These are the departments where there were the most arrests for alleged electoral crimes

Some of the departments are Cauca, Cundinamarca and Bolívar




Within eight hours that the polls were open in Colombia, the authorities set up a security device to ensure the safety of citizens and the transparency of the process. During this day, the National Police captured 26 people who had reportedly committed electoral crimes.

It was stated that most of those arrested for electoral crimes committed corruption to the suffragant, personal falsehood, disruption to the democratic contest and fraudulent voting. These events were recorded in the departments of Santander, Cauca, Cundinamarca, Bolivar, Atlántico, Antioquia, Tolima, Boyacá, Cesar, La Guajira and Quindio.

The Prosecutor's Office emphasizes that among the persons to be prosecuted are two councillors; one in Zipaquirá (Cundinamarca) and another in Calarcá (Quindio).

With regard to the first case, it was stated that the authorities found the Zipaquirá lobbyist along with two other people offering money to citizens to vote for a specific list of candidates. In this procedure, about 2,000,000 pesos were seized.

In the other event, a Calarcá councillor was captured with electoral propaganda and more than 200,000 pesos, which he would be using to buy votes.

It was also mentioned that the Prosecutor's Office received 41 formal complaints for actions that “jeopardize the citizen's right to elect and be elected”. These reports were made in Valle del Cauca, Atlántico, Santander, Cundinamarca, Tolima and Antioquia.

The complaints are related to impersonation and one, filed by the representative of a political party in Buenaventura (Valle del Cauca), is for threats. It was stated that a prosecutor attached to the Special Investigation Unit of the supervisory body assumed the investigation.

In addition, the Prosecutor's Office was also notified of 131 reports of possible electoral offences brought through the Immediate Reception Unit for Electoral Transparency (Uriel). It should be noted that this was notified in the national territory, since in the elections abroad, the Prosecutor's Office also learned about 62 complaints, which will be evaluated to establish whether there is merit to open a formal case.

In addition, it should be noted that the Personería de Bogotá recorded 74 reports of irregularities observed by the guardians of democracy, the team set up by the entity to carry out surveillance in the country's capital. Among these are the accompaniment of third parties to the voting cubicle, the use of cell phones in spaces ready to vote, and the delivery of political propaganda in polling places.

Finally, the Office of the Prosecutor It is noted that since Friday (11 March), when the various border crossings with Venezuela were closed, specialized teams were activated to verify and address the circumstances that arise in those territories. This group, made up of the sectional directors and delegates from the central level of the Prosecutor's Office, reported normality in Norte Santander, La Guajira, Arauca, Cesar, Guainía and Vichada.

In Uribia (La Guajira), a man with 310 pedagogical cards was found at the polling station of the San Rafael educational institution. This person was issued a court order by the National Police.

It was ensured that the Special Investigation Unit closely followed the election of candidates to the Special Congressional Congressional Constituencies of Peace. Allegations were received and are analyzed and verified in order to establish the respective investigative acts.


