Retentions: The bad mood of producers grows and the camp leadership talks about “another 125″

The president of the Argentine Rural Society argued that the unrest in the interior is great. Producers already organize assemblies, in rejection of official policy towards the sector


“The mood of the producers is bad,” said the president of the Argentine Rural Society, Nicolás Pino.

The camp is beginning to mobilize once again against the Government's agricultural policy, which yesterday decided to intervene once again in export markets, with the closure of foreign sales of soybean oil and flour, which would also be accompanied by an increase in withholdings.

Different sectors of the producer bases are already organizing different assemblies. One of them is currently taking place at the crossroads of national routes AO12 and 34, near Rosario. In addition, this Friday morning there will be another meeting of producers on Route 9 KM 147, near Baradero and organized by a group of rural people from the north of Buenos Aires.

Nicolás Pino, president of SRA

In the agricultural world, they are already beginning to predict a scenario very similar to 2008, when the camp protested against the mobile retention project promoted by Cristina Kirchner's government. “It's been 14 years and we're talking about the same thing again. We didn't learn anything in Argentina. We lost 14 years of our life, of our time, of the possibility of producing more,” Pino told LN+.

In dialogue with this media, the former president of the Rural Society of San Pedro, Raúl Victoros, said that “I am sniffing a scenario very similar to 2008. Government measures run counter to what we are demanding. The closure of exports announced yesterday of soybean oil and flour is the last straw: producers have been facing intervention in markets such as dinner, corn and wheat, as well as high tax pressure. And so it is unfeasible to produce, and we feel permanently attacked.”

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