Mario Carhuapoma applied for benefits that do not correspond to his new position at EsSalud

The now vice-president of the Social Security Board of Directors asked for two advisors, a secretary, an administrative assistant, a mobility, a driver, fuel and more.




Mario Carhuapoma, the questioned former executive president of EsSalud, was appointed vice-president of the Board of Directors of the social security two days after leaving his previous position and, according to a report from the Sudaca portal, he immediately requested two advisors, a secretary, an administrative assistant, a mobility, a driver, fuel and more. Such orders would not correspond to your new position. In addition, as vice president, he could be in charge of that health entity again if certain circumstances arise.

It should be noted that Carhuapoma left the position of executive president of EsSalud on January 11. However, Supreme Resolution No. 002-2022-TR published in the extraordinary edition of the Legal Standards bulletin of the Official Gazette El Peruano provided that Mario Carhuapoma remain solely as representative of the State before the Board of Directors of EsSalud.

On January 13, the newspaper warns that Carhuapoma was elected vice-president of the Council. Then, on January 19, in a letter addressed to the new president of social security, Gino Davila, Carhuapoma requested two advisors, a secretary, an administrative assistant, printers, attachments, computer equipment, Internet connection, mobility, a driver and fuel allocation.


Sudaca indicates that several of the requests made by Carhuapoma do not correspond to his new role. As reported by the National Fund for the Financing of Business Activity of the State (Fonafe), an EsSalud agency that rejected the requests on 21 February.

As indicated by Fonafe, it was only up to have a secretary and an expert advisor on social security and related issues.

The aforementioned assignment [to be vice-president] does not imply any type of administrative function that authorizes the granting of additional benefits to the position by itself, the document states, which also suggests that he could “request that such benefits be agreed to be granted to the entire Board of Directors and that the agreement be forwarded to Fonafe for approval”.

Meanwhile, Vicente Castro, representative to the Board of Directors of policyholders working in the private sector, complained about Carhuapoma's requests:Those of us who hold these positions know what is regulated, we cannot go further. He's requesting something in his own name. His position is [to be] a replacement for the chief executive. When it happens [when I replace Gino Davila], there you will have all the implements you now request.”

The Board of Directors holds two regular sessions per month, attended by its nine members. For each meeting, counselors receive a diet of S/3,000.


It should be noted that, as vice-president of the Council, Carhuapoma may replace Davila in the executive presidency of EsSalud due to absence or impediment. Something that could happen if it is revealed that Davila is a civil servant in any entity that contracts with social security or if he is convicted of intentional crimes.

The Sudaca newspaper recalls that “a report published on December 29, 2021 by the Institutional Control Body of EsSalud of the Comptroller's Office determined that Gino Davila and six other officials were criminally responsible for the irregular purchase of safety glasses that had false certification”. The acquisition occurred when Davila was the Territorial Operations Manager of the Central Social Security Management. In addition, the Office of the Attorney General of the entity is recommended to “initiate legal action”.

For his part, Mario Carhuapoma was being investigated by the Public Prosecutor's Office, at the request of the Anti-Corruption Procurator's Office, for the alleged crime of incompatible negotiation in the aggrievance of the State.


