Debanhi Escobar:他们保护了在水箱里发现她死气沉沉的汽车旅馆

作为案件调查的一部分,新莱昂州特别检察官办公室的成员保护了 Nueva Castilla Motel 的安全

Security forces work at a
Security forces work at a crime scene where a dead body was found during the search of Debanhi Escobar, an 18-year-old law student who has been missing since April 9, at the Nueva Castilla Motel, in Escobedo, Mexico April 21, 2022. REUTERS/Daniel Becerril

4月25日星期一上午,新莱昂州特别检察官办公室的官员保护了Nueva Castilla Motel汽车旅馆,这是对年轻的 Debanhi Escobar案件的调查的一部分,该案被发现死在该机构的水箱中。

