IFSC presents 2022 calendar


Torino - 5 October 2021

The International Federation of Sport Climbing (IFSC) is proud to unveil the calendar of the upcoming 2022 season, opening with the XVIII IFSC General Assembly in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.


Consisting of 13 stages in total and distributed over 10 countries and three continents, the 2022 IFSC World Cup Series will take place between April and September. The opening World Cup competition of the season will take place in Moscow, Russia, while Salt Lake City is also expected to host another doubleheader, replicating the successful formula that debuted in May 2021. Hosting the only IFSC World Cup in both Boulder and Lead, Innsbruck, Austria, marks the midpoint of the season. July will see the return of three long-standing landmarks on the calendar, with world cups in Villars, Switzerland; Chamonix, France; and Briançon, France.

The full schedule of the 2022 IFSC World Cup Series is as follows:

  • 1-3 April – Moscow (RUS) – Boulder, Speed
  • 8-10 April – Meiringen (SUI) – Boulder
  • 29 April-1 May – TBD location in Japan – Boulder
  • 6-8 May – Seoul (KOR) – Boulder, Speed
  • 20-22 May – Salt Lake City (USA) – Boulder
  • 27-29 May – Salt Lake City (USA) – Boulder, Speed
  • 22-25 June – Innsbruck (AUT) – Boulder, Lead
  • 1-3 July – Villars (SUI) – Lead, Speed
  • 8-10 July – Chamonix (FRA) – Lead, Speed
  • 22-23 July – Briançon (FRA) – Lead
  • 3-4 September – TBD location in Slovenia – Lead
  • 22-24 September – Bali (INA) – Lead, Speed
  • 28-30 September – TBD location in China – Lead, Speed


Following the outstanding Olympic debut at Tokyo 2020, Sport Climbing will feature at three different multi-sport events in 2022: the World Games Birmingham 2022, where all three disciplines will be contested; the European Championships Munich 2022, with Boulder, Lead, and Speed being joined by the Olympic Games Paris 2024 format of Boulder & Lead; and the 19th edition of the Asian Games, set to take place in Hangzhou, China.


The yearly IFSC Youth World Championships will be organised in the United States of America, in a city still to be defined, between 22 and 31 August. Paraclimbing’s 2022 competition calendar will be presented later in 2021.

IFSC President Marco Scolaris commented:”The year 2021 has been a non-stop challenge, for us and for the whole world. However, we made our debut at the most unique edition of the Olympic Games, and, eventually, we succeeded organising a number of great IFSC competitions. The calendar of the 2022 season is not just a mere list of dates, locations, and competitions. It is a symbol of hope, and we are very much looking forward to bringing the Sport Climbing world united again, with no exceptions.”

***For the vertical version of the calendar click here.

For editorial photos click here.

For more information:

Marco Vettoretti, IFSC Head of Communications

+39 371 4155701

About the IFSC:

The International Federation of Sport Climbing is the international governing body of Sport Climbing. It was founded on 27 January 2007 as a continuation of the International Council for Competition Climbing, which was founded 10 years earlier, in 1997. As a non-profit organisation, the objectives of the IFSC are the direction, regulation, promotion and development of Sport Climbing competitions all around the world.

Sport Climbing made its Olympic debut at Tokyo 2020, and it’s been officially included in the programme of Paris 2024. In 2018, two medal events in Sport Climbing were contested at the Buenos Aires 2018 Youth Olympic Games.

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