Scott Kneller elected chair of AOC Athletes’ Commission - Cate Campbell Deputy


Two times winter Olympian Scott Kneller has been elected Chair of the Australian Olympic Committee’s Athletes’ Commission, with four times summer Olympian Cate Campbell elected Deputy Chair.

The new appointments were confirmed at today’s first meeting of the Athletes’ Commission following the Tokyo 2020 Games last month.

Five new members were elected last month in Tokyo and today the new-look Commission voted for its new Chair and Deputy Chair, replacing Steve Hooker and Kim Brennan whose respective terms had expired.

Scott Kneller represented Australia in Ski Cross at the Vancouver 2010 and Sochi 2014 Winter Olympic Games. He says the appointment is a great honour.

“I am very grateful to be carrying on this important work of representing the athletes and giving them a meaningful voice.

“Certainly as Chair these are very big shoes to fill – Steve Hooker and Kim Brennan before me were absolutely outstanding in this role. What resonates most with me is the advice to listen to the athletes at all times in order to genuinely understand their needs.

“We have new blood and new enthusiasm on the Commission and I look forward to working with all of them in this very exciting time for the Olympic movement in Australia,” he said.

Scott’s appointment as Chair will carry the Commission through to the conclusion of the Beijing 2022 Winter Games when he also comes off the Commission with new winter athletes to be elected.

Cate Campbell says she’s ready to step up to a bigger role.

“I am honoured to have been elected Deputy Chair. Having been a member of the AC for a number of years, I am excited to take on a slightly larger role. My sincere thanks to Steve Hooker and Kim Brennan who have worked tirelessly over the past five years.

“Scott Kneller is an excellent choice for Chair and I look forward to working with him and the rest of the athletes on the Commission for the next few years,” she said.

AOC President John Coates welcomed the appointments.

“Scott and Cate will add tremendous value as full voting members of the AOC Executive. The athlete voice has always been of critical importance and both Scott and Cate bring experience and understanding. I congratulate them both,” Mr Coates concluded.

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