Asian Paralympic Committee sign MOU with NPC of I.R Iran to establish a Health Care and Sports Injuries Prevention Centre

The Asian Paralympic Committee (APC) have today signed an MOU with the National Paralympic Committee (NPC) of the Islamic Republic of Iran which will kickstart the founding of a Health Care and Sports Injuries Prevention Centre in Iran aimed at benefiting the whole of the Central Asian region.

The Centre will focus on research and education within sports medicine with the aim of improving the health of para-athletes, preventing injuries and prolonging athletic careers. The MOU commits both parties to cooperation and support in developing preventative and technological health-based approaches within the region, encompassing seminars, webinars, camps and athlete education. These will be accessible to allsix NPCsin the Central Asian region and if successful the model may be rolled out to other sub-regions within Asia. The initiative follows on from another collaboration between the APC and NPC I.R. Iran where six webinars on theEpidemiology of Sport Injuries and Injury Prevention Strategies were delivered to Asian NPCs.

Commenting on the signing, APC President Majid Rashed said; "This is an important step forward for the development of para-sport in the Central Asian region. Para sport has lagged behind in the area of injury prevention and rehabilitation but as our athletes achieve more success and compete at ever higher levels, it is a vital area to focus on.I’m delighted that the Iranian NPC has taken the lead on establishing this centre and is committed to working collaboratively with the APC on this project and equally committed that the other Central Asian NPCs should also benefit. Working together, sharing expertise and knowledge is the best way forward for all our members and this is a fantastic example of this spirit of cooperation."

NPC I. R. Iran CEO, Mr. Mohammad Tabe said, “The MOU is a great initiative to turn the current challenges caused by the pandemic to opportunities for the target population in the region. It paves the way toimplement the development policies of Asian Paralympic Committee to reduce the sports injuries and prolong the athletic career of Para athletes as one of the main goals.In the light of establishing the center for the region of Central Asia, it is possible to contribute to the promotion of the development policies of APC by engaging different departments of I. R. Iran National Paralympic Academy including research and education, sports medicine, assessment and monitoring, and other scientific and research centers. We look forward to pursuing our objectives in other regions of Asia, as a successful model.”