Slogan Search for Beijing Olympics

(ATR) The search has begun for a slogan for the Beijing Olympics which organizers hope will convey the â??excitingâ? nature of the Beijing Olympics


(ATR) The search has begun for a slogan for the Beijing Olympics which organizers hope will convey the â??excitingâ? nature of the Beijing Olympics. Suggestions are welcome from around the world and need to be submitted by January 31, 2005.

The slogan should be easy to read and remember, says Zhang Ming, deputy chief of the Beijing 2008 culture and ceremonies department.

The slogan, which will be used in Chinese and English, should be emotional and inspiring and be able to be presented with visuals, she says.

The new motto replaces the one used during the bid for the Games: â??New Beijing, Great Olympicsâ?.

Submissions can be mailed to the BOCOG headquarters or sent via e-mail to

BOCOG says it plans to unveil the slogan in the first half of 2005.

The countdown continues for the Around the Rings Golden 25 for 2005, the ninth annual listing of the most influential personalities in the year ahead for the Olympics, now on-line at

Around The Rings

The complete Around the Rings Golden 25 for 2005 will be published in an on-line special edition on January 1, 2005.

There will be no regular weekly editions of Around the Rings.Com published on December 24 or December 31.

(Copyright 2004, all rights reserved. The information in this report may not be published, excerpted, or otherwise distributed in print or broadcast without the express prior consent of Around the Rings.)


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