Walt Disney Chair Bob Iger Joins Los Angeles Olympic Bid

(ATR) Los Angeles 2024 appoints Bob Iger as vice chair of its board of directors




(ATR) Los Angeles 2024 has appointed Bob Iger as vice chair of its board of directors.

The addition of the chairman and CEO of The Walt Disney Company – the world’s largest media company – shows commitment to "harnessing California’s creativity, innovation and connectivity to global youth culture for the benefit of the Olympic Movement," the bid said.

At Disney, Iger was responsible for the acquisition of Pixar, Marvel and Lucasfilm and previously worked with TV pioneer Roone Arledge on the broadcast of the 1976 Montreal Olympics, 1980 Winter Games in Lake Placid, 1984 Games in Sarajevo and LA 1984 Olympics as well as on the Calgary 1988 Games.

In a statement, Iger said he was proud to support LA 2024’s effort to bring the Games back to Los Angeles and "to reimagine them in ways that engage the global community, elevate the [Olympic] movement, and inspire a new generation."

LA 2024 chairman Casey Wasserman said Iger’s experience made him a perfect fit for the bid. "Bob brings a proven track record on how to reach out to young people and families by engaging them with compelling content delivered through the latest digital technology," he said.

"That is precisely what the Olympic Family is looking for right now under the visionary Olympic Agenda 2020 roadmap, and what LA 2024 intends to provide."

Los Angeles mayor Eric Garcetti also enthused about the signing of Iger to the Olympic quest.

"For decades, Bob has been a pioneer, forging that connection and discovering new ways to reach vast, diverse audiences around the globe. His experience will be a tremendous boost for LA 2024 as we look to promote the unifying values of sport and the Olympic Movement," he said.

Iger joins four-time Olympic champion Janet Evans, NBA champion "Magic" Johnson, nine-time Paralympian Candace Cable and labor leader María Elena Durazo as vice chairs of the bid’s board of directors.

Reported by Mark Bisson

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