Olympic Museum Opening; Sochi Teacher Award; Deloitte, USOC Renewal

(ATR) Olympic Museum gets temporary home during renovation ... Sochi 2014 extends teacher contest ... Accounting giant commits through 2020 ...Spanish Anti-Doping Agency names new head ...

Olympic Museum Opening

The Olympic Museum’s temporary home will be opened Tuesday night at a press event.

IOC president Jacques Rogge will be in attendance for the ceremony on the Helvétie boat, moored on Lake Geneva in front of the Olympic Museum in Lausanne.

The opening of the temporary Museum to the public will follow Thursday.

The boat will host a selection of the Olympic Museum's collections during its renovation, scheduled for completion in October 2013.

Sochi Teacher Award

Sochi 2014 launched a country-wide contest to encourage teachers to promote Olympic values on a large scale.

The aptly titled "Sochi 2014 Teacher Contest", now in its third year, was originally designed for teachers, but a Sochi 2014 statement says this year’s competition will be focused on "mass implementation" of ideas.

"Now, not only teachers are invited to take part in the event, but also organizations, sports clubs and public societies, supporting the ideas and principles of the Olympic and Paralympic Movement," Sochi 2014 said in a statement.

"Moreover, if the 2010 and 2011 contests were focused on the development of informative and educational materials, then the 2012 contest puts the emphasis on their mass implementation, a process in which specialists in the field of education and volunteers, organizers of cultural mass events and representatives of the media will all take part."

All applications must be emailed to teacher@sochi2014.com by Sept. 20.

The award ceremony is scheduled for November in Moscow and Sochi.

Deloitte Renews Agreement with USOC

Deloitte will continue to serve as the USOC's official professional services sponsor through 2020.

In this role, the accounting giant will provide services that enable Team USA to operate as efficiently as possible, according to the USOC.

"This renewal is very good news for the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Teams," said USOC CEO Scott Blackmun. "From the beginning of our relationship in 2009, Deloitte has been instrumental in our mission to enable America's athletes to realize their Olympic and Paralympic dreams.

"As a partner and a trusted advisor, Deloitte has worked tirelessly to help us set long-term strategy, operate more efficiently and aid us in our mission of best serving Team USA athletes."

Deloitte says there is a shared ethos between the company and the Olympics.

"Olympic and Paralympic athletes embodythe highest ideals of competitive performance-integrity, talent, drive and commitment to quality-the same qualities Deloitte prides itself on as we work to inform the investing public, protect capital markets, and help our clients address their most critical and complex business challenges," said Deloitte CEO Joe Echevarria.

Deloitte Canada and Deloitte UK also support their Olympic teams.

Spanish Anti-Doping Agency Gains New Head

The new director of the Spanish Anti-Doping Agency Ana Muñoz Merino says she is committed to fight against illegal drug use in sports.

After taking on her new position, Muñoz said she will enact regulations that create an environment conducive to fair play. In the fight against doping, she also promised "work, effort, strictness, humbleness, discretion and transparency."

Muñoz is a professor of financial and tax law at University of Cantabria and also a member of Madrid City Council's Municipal Economic-Administrative Court.

Written by Ed Hula III.

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