#ICYMI: ANOC Presidential Election; Universiade 2025; Asuncion 2022

#ICYMI -- In Case You Missed It ... Sometimes the best stories don't get the attention we think they deserve.


#ICYMI -- In Case You Missed It ... Sometimes the best stories don't get the attention we think they deserve. Here are our staff picks for articles this week they really want you to know about.

ANOC Presidential Election to be Held by 2022

(ATR) Sheikh Ahmad is to remain as self-suspended ANOC president until his court case is resolved or until scheduled elections in 2022.

Acting president Robin Mitchell will continue in his position in the meantime.

The 204 NOCs attending the ANOC General Assembly in Doha approved by acclamation a resolution put forth by the ANOC executive board keeping the status quo despite ongoing legal issues in Switzerland that the embattled Kuwaiti sport leader is facing.

The resolution read: "Be it Resolved that, subject to subsequent Executive Council resolution, the ANOC presidential election be continued adjourned for the balance of the quadrennial term with the ANOC Senior Vice President functioning as the Acting President."

In November 2018 at the ANOC General Assembly in Tokyo, the Sheikh remained unchallenged for the ANOC leadership position and elections were postponed after he decided to step aside.

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Germany Chases Universiade Hosting Duties

(ATR) The German state of North Rhine-Westphalia is forging ahead with its bid for the Universiade 2025.

"The state has basically signalled its interest in the topic. There is now more in-depth expertise available for the Rhine-Ruhr region," the state chancellery in Düsseldorf informed. On Wednesday, the Sports Committee of the German Bundestag in Berlin will discuss the application intentions for the student world games, in which 10,000 athletes and officials take part every two years.

The general German university sport federation (adh) examined several locations in Germany for the feasibility, said from the state chancellery NRW. The Rhine-Ruhr region is the only remaining candidate. Leipzig, Frankfurt am Main and Berlin have cancelled.

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Suramerica Celebra en Doha 'Resurreccion' de Asuncion 2022

(ATR) Directivos, deportistas y entrenadores de Suramérica han celebrado en Doha, donde asisten a los I Juegos Mundiales de Playa, el reciente anuncio de la readjudicación a Asunción, la capital paraguaya, de los Juegos Suramericanos de 2022.

"Todos los suramericanos que me encuentro, no sólo presidentes de comités olimpicos, están muy ilusionados, y contentos porque los Juegos vuelvan a Asunción" dice a Around the Rings, Camilo Pérez, el presidente del Comité Olimpico Paraguayo (COP).

Pérez, también presidente reelecto de la Organización Deportiva Suramericana (ODESUR) hasta 2023 y miembro del COI, dio estas declaraciones en la capital de Qatar, poco después de departir con los miembros de las selecciones paraguayas de fútbol de playa.

Para los jugadores de Paraguay el escenario de estos Juegos de ACNO es idóneo para su fogueo pues a partir del 21 de noviembre ese país será sede del Mundial de Fútbol Playa de FIFA con 16 equipos encabezados por el pentacampeón Brasil.

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