Hickey Tries to Reach OCI

(ATR) OCI officials reportedly staged a walkout during a conference call due to unexpected contact with Pat Hickey.




(ATR) Olympic Council of Ireland officials reportedly staged a walkout during a conference call due to unexpected contact with Pat Hickey.

According to a report from the Irish Times, the walkout occurred after members realized Hickey was connected to the meeting via speakerphone. The meeting occurred last month in OCI headquarters in Dublin, as Hickey remains in Rio de Janeiro where he awaits trial.

In the wake of his arrest, Hickey stepped aside from all of his Olympic family roles. This included the presidency of the OCI, IOC membership, IOC Executive Board spot, and the Association of National Olympic Committees vice-presidency. Hickey is currently staying in an apartment rented by OCI in Rio’s wealthy South Zone.

The report said that Hickey called OCI committee members to "touch base" even though he has stepped aside from the committee. Committee members reportedly returned and began the meeting once the phone call with Hickey ended.

Hickey was arrested during the 2016 Olympic Games on the charge of ticket touting, forming a cartel and illegally marketing the Olympics. Hickey’s arrest came days after the arrest of THG executive Kevin Mallon for distributing ticket packages full of tickets allocated to the OCI. THG originally applied to be the authorized ticket reseller for the OCI in Rio, but was rejected by the organizing committee. A new company, Pro10, handled ticket reselling for the 2016 Olympics.

A Brazilian judge has accepted the charges put forth by a prosecutor, the last step before Hickey and Mallon see a courtroom in Rio. In addition, Brazilian authorities have questioned other OCI members in Rio and seek to question IOC President Thomas Bach to uncover the extent of the ticket touting scheme.

Written by Aaron Bauer

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