ATR First: Solano Quits AIBA Presidential Race

(ATR) The Dominican candidate for the presidency of AIBA affirms that there was manipulation to discredit him.




(ATR) The only candidate from the Americas running for the presidency of the International Boxing Association, the Dominican Bienvenido Solano, has pulled out.

Solano sent a letter to the AIBA Elections Committee on Tuesday, accessed by Around The Rings, in which he affirms that he has resigned from the electoral process due to "extreme manipulation to discredit the honor of my career".

Solano, an honorary vice president of AIBA, was nominated by the Boxing Federation of the Dominican Republic (FEDOBOXA).Several federations believed he could become the first Latin American president of the boxing entity currently suspended by the IOC.

The decision of the renowned Latin American sports leader comes on the eve of the resolution of the AIBA Disciplinary Commission case against FEDOBOXA and eight other small Caribbean countries.

These Caribbean federations, facing a provisional suspension, underwent a virtual hearing before the Disciplinary Commission on Tuesday. The panel must issue a sentence this Thursday.

ATR learned that Anguilla has been removed from the initial group involved in the alleged ethical violation.

The disciplinary procedure was opened from the complaint of the Confederation of the Americas regarding the payment of the annual membership fees of AIBA and AMBC made by the Dominican Federation on behalf of nine other national federations of the Caribbean.

FEDOBOXA has insisted that it was a "mistake in good faith" to grant a request from the neighboring federations to provide a loan - repaid immediately - on the day the deadline for that payment expired.

Due to their current status, the federations of the Dominican Republic, Saint Martin, Bahamas, Virgin Islands, Dominica, Antigua , Bermuda, Haiti and Suriname are not eligible to participate in the virtual elections on December 12, a condition that could change according to the pronouncement on Thursday of the Disciplinary Commission.

In his letter to the Elections Commission, Solano said in full:

"Before the unexpected events that have arisen around the electoral process of AIBA and in particular regarding my candidacy for the Presidency of AIBA, I feel obliged to make the following clarifications, for the respect that the National Federations, the Committees deserve National Olympics and the International Olympic Committee.

"My only objective when participating in the election process of AIBA was to contribute to the rescue of the prestige of the organization that due to an irresponsible and deficient action of its last executives, plunged it into its worst crisis, forcing the IOC to withdraw its recognition, what has brought to its affiliated Federations the loss of enormous benefit that derives precisely from the withdrawal of the IOC support. Concatenated with the IOC's wise decision, to renew AIBA with new people, understanding this message with people who have nothing to do with the current AIBA Executive Committee.

"Apparently my participation as a candidate for the Presidency of AIBA was not welcomed by people who, despite being pointed out for bad practices in the IOC Report on AIBA, are concerned that our presence is a threat to their interest in remaining in our body, despite his rejection by the IOC. That explains the ferocity with which they acted to damage my reputation and honor, that for more than 30 years within AIBA, no one can point to a single fact that conflicts with good behavior. My attachment to the Olympic principles, compliance with ethical values, permanent work to strengthen the sports development of the National Federations of America framed in good relations and respect for all the Federations of the world, have been the common denominator of my actions. .

"In view of the foregoing, I allow myself to present to this honorable Commission my resignation as a candidate for the Presidency of AIBA in the electoral process of December 12, 2020, considering that there is an extreme manipulation to discredit the honor of my career."

After Solano's resignation, Suleyman Mikayilov (Azerbaijan), Anas Al Otaiba (United Arab Emirates), Boris van der Vorst (Netherlands), Umar Kremlev (Russia), Ramie Al-Masri (Germany) and interim president Mohamed Moustahsane (Morocco) remain in the race for the presidency of AIBA.

An initial list published by AIBA weeks ago shortly after the payment deadline, showed 142 eligible federations out of a total of 200 were eligible to participate in the Congress next weekend. The boxing body released an updated list on December 5 with 151 federations now allowed to vote.

According to a letter sent by the interim president Moustahsane to the members of the Executive Committee and seen by ATR, this increase in the number of federationswas due to the fact that "the AIBA Electoral Committee received many requests from the National Federations to reevaluate their eligibility".

"I had carefully studied each case and then accepted some of the members as eligible based on acceptable reasons," the letter said.

Puerto Rico, Colombia and Venezuela are amongthe federations of the Americas that were not included in the initial list but have now been added.

With Solano out of the race, the question is which of the remaining candidates will receive the backing of the national federations who were supporting the Dominican. The eye seems to be on the European candidates.

Written and reported by Miguel Hernandez

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