Sports Integrity Week Launches -- Conferences & Conventions

Also: 9th Annual Youth Sports Summit is virtual this year; Host City 2020 early bird rates end Sept. 4


(ATR) The first Sport Integrity Week begins on Monday.

SIGA, the world’s largest independent integrity organization, released the preliminary Master Program for the virtual conference on Wednesday.

More than 60 premium digital events from across all continents and involving more than 100 high level speakers and leading organizations from all sides of the sporting industry and integrity community will be featured during Sport Integrity Week, which runs from Sept. 7-11.

The group of speakers for day 1 includes Edwin Moses, two-time Olympic gold medalist and chairman emeritus of the United States Anti-Doping Agency, and Brian Lewis, president of the Trinidad & Tobago Olympic Committee and the Caribbean Association of National Olympic Committees (CANOC).

The topics for the first day will be good governance and anti-corruption & international cooperation in sport.

The rest of the week will focus on financial integrity, transparency and sustainability in sport; sports betting integrity; sports business, media & technology; and youth development & child protection in sport.

Download the preliminary Sport Integrity Week Event Guide to see the hottest topics and speakers on the World Stage and the five continental stages: Stage Asia; Stage Africa; Stage Oceania; Stage Americas; and Stage Europe.

The Sport Integrity Week is open to everyone. Participation for the webinars is FREE of charge, but pre-registration is necessary. The registration link is available here.

Youth Sports Summit Goes Virtual

The 9th annual Youth Sports Summit will be held as a virtual event over five consecutive Wednesdays beginning on Sept. 9.

The LA84 Foundation is joining with the Play Equity Fund in presenting this year’s edition, which will consist of a series of online panel conversations with sports leaders who are committed to closing the play equity gap.

The kick off discussion on sport and social justice will be on Sept. 9 with a new topic for each of the next four weeks after that. The final conversation will be held on Oct. 7. Each one is scheduled to run for 75 minutes, beginning at 10:30am Pacific time (1730 GMT).

The other topics will focus on athletes, coaches, leveling the playing field, and women’s sports.

Click here to register.

Host City Plans for 2020

The seventh edition of the Host City conference and exhibition returns to Glasgow, Scotland in November.

The physical event will be paired with an online platform as the annual international meeting of cities and sports explores how to produce"Recovery with a Purpose for the Digital Age".

In keeping with the Covid-19 pandemic in which we are living, the theme for this year is "The Big Restart".

The event is scheduled for Nov. 17-18.

Agenda topics will include hosting in the new normal, Environmental and Social Governance, digital transformation and international collaboration.

Structured networking and exhibition activities will be available.

Click here to register for the early bird rates, which run until Sept. 4.

Two Versions of Esports Venue Summit

The inaugural Esports Venue Summit will be offered in both live and virtual formats in October.

Organizers describe the new forum as the only one dedicated solely to esports venues and spaces.

The live event will be held at London’s Twickenham Stadium, the home of England rugby, on Oct. 21-22. It will feature nine sessions over the two days and will include six periods for networking, including an evening reception on the first day.

The virtual version will run from Oct. 26-29. It will include two live Q&As with a selection of speakers from the live event as well as new guests. Those choosing the virtual option will be able to replay the live sessions from the week before and download material and videos where available.

Registration for both the live and virtual summits is now open. Early bird rates saving 40 percent on the standard delegate fees are available here.

Should the live event be canceled, those who have purchased the live summit delegate pass will be able to either transfer their pass to the next available live event or use it for the virtual event with the cost difference being refunded.

SportAccord Seeks Host Cities

SportAccord officially begins the search process for future host cities for both its World Sport & Business Summit and Regional SportAccord events.

Interested cities are invited to submit an application for any future SportAccord World Sport & Business Summit beginning with the 2022 edition.

Those interested in hosting Regional SportAccord events in any year through 2023 are also welcome to apply. Applications will be considered to host a dedicated Regional SportAccord for Europe, Asia, Africa or Oceania, as well as Pan America. The first Regional SportAccord was for Pan America and it was held in Fort Lauderdale, Florida in December.

Each Bid City Application Form should be submitted along with a formal Letter of Commitment that has been signed on behalf of the prospective host city.

More information and the bid form for SportAccord World Sport & Business Summit can be found here and for Regional SportAccord here.

"We have already received numerous expressions of interest regarding future editions of both of these industry-leading events from prospective host cities from across the globe," said Nis Hatt, Managing Director, SportAccord, in a statement.

"We are focusing on the future with great optimism, with the highly anticipated World Sport & Business Summit 2021 in Ekaterinburg serving as a significant signpost, and we look forward to receiving formal applications in the coming weeks and months for events that will support a bright new chapter for the international sports movement."

SportAccord 2021 will be held from May 23-28 at the IEC Ekaterinburg-Expo in the Russian city.

Written by Gerard Farek

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