SIGA announces new Sport Integrity Awards


The Sport Integrity Global Alliance (SIGA) is announcing today its new Sport Integrity Awards to showcase the achievements of global and regional leaders in Sport Integrity.

Organisations and individuals who share SIGA’s vision of a world of Sport governed under the highest integrity standards and who have made extraordinary achievements will be recognised by the world’s leading independent coalition in the field of sports governance and integrity.

The SIGA Sport Integrity Awards will raise awareness of the highest standards and best practice in the fields of Good Governance in Sport, Financial Integrity in Sport, Sports Betting Integrity and Youth Development & Child Protection in Sport, in line with SIGA’s core areas.

Together with celebrating achievements of organisations and individuals, the Awards will also raise awareness about the threats facing Sport, promote best practice and incentivise the necessary integrity reforms. This will, in turn, will contribute to enhance the overall reputation and credibility of the Sport movement and the wider industry.

Award categories in the different core areas include Outstanding Individual Achievement, as well as Organisational Achievement. There will also be a People’s Choice Award, a Lifetime Achievement Award, as well as a Special Recognition Award for global business entities (e.g. sponsors and broadcasters) that have made relevant contributions to advance Sport Integrity.

Applications for this extraordinary opportunity for industry-wide recognition will open during the SIGA Sport Integrity Week, taking place between 07 to 11 September 2020. Participating organisations and individuals can nominate themselves, or other worthy candidates up until 31 November 2020. Successful candidates will need to fulfil concrete criteria and demonstrate advancements and impacts of their initiatives in the field of Sport Integrity. Assessment will be conducted by an independent jury consisting of diverse and representative professionals appointed by the SIGA Council and announced during the SIGA Sport Integrity Week.

The SIGA Sport Integrity Awards Ceremony will take place in Lisbon, Portugal, on Thursday, 30 January 2021 on the eve of SIGA’s fourth anniversary.

On the announcement of the SIGA Sport Integrity Awards, Franco Frattini, Chairman of SIGA, said:

"The SIGA Sport Integrity Awards are a beacon for those going above and beyond the industry standards of today. By showcasing their examples, it will not only place these individual and organisational integrity champions into the limelight, as they much deserve, but also help galvanise our collective efforts and push the global integrity boundaries to new, unprecedented levels."

SIGA STRIVES Measure 27 will be announced shortly. Stay tuned.

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