Russian Boxing Federation aims to help others during the coronavirus pandemic


Russian Boxing Federation has launched a hotline and an operational headquarters to support population through the coronavirus pandemic on March, 31st. During the first days of work, more than 12 thousands of calls from all over Russia were received by RBF operators. More than 16 thousands mask and 2 thousands litres of sanitizer were delivered to all people in need.

Headquarters is based in Moscow, but the volunteers work across the country to assist all Russian athletes, coaches and judges, plus the wider community - specifically Second World War veterans, pensioners and large families - during the ongoing period of restrictions introduced because of the pandemic.

Secretary General of Russian Boxing Federation Umar Kremlev claimed that to help "it is our duty", and only together "we can overcome these difficulties".

"One of the most important areas of work for the operational headquarters of Russian Boxing Federation will be the support of sports veterans, athletes and coaches throughout Russia. Many athletes will go to the Olympic Games next year, and they need to take care of their health and keep fit like no other. Now the only effective way to combat the spread of the coronavirus epidemic is self-isolation, so many athletes will need help in buying food, water, and disinfectants. The Russian Boxing Federation will try to help all the athletes, regardless of sport," said Kremlev.

"Every day the number of patients with coronavirus is increasing, so today the time has come when the whole sports community needs to unite and give a helping hand to all their colleagues, all athletes who are in isolation, as well as those people who can’t take care of themselves fully - veterans of the Great Patriotic War, pensioners, large families, protecting them as much as possible from potential carriers of the virus, and try to make their self-isolation more comfortable and safe," he added.

Volunteers are ready to deliver disposable masks and hand sanitiser free of charge, and to help in the delivery of food and other essential items.

The hotline can be accessed 24 hours a day, can also help callers with identifying the symptoms of coronavirus, and can give advice about preventative measures

The RBF also plans to send protection masks and sanitisers to both the Italian and Serbian Boxing Federations.

Anyone in Russia who requires assistance, or is interesting in volunteering as part of the programme, can call the hotline on 8 (800) 222-55-25.

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