On The Scene in Denver: ATR's Sportaccord 2009 Special Edition Magazine Now Online

(ATR) Now in its seventh year, Sportaccord has grown into a "must" for the international sports industry.  ATR's Sportaccord special edition magazine looks at what international federations hope to accomplish in the coming year and examines issues facing 2010 and 2012 organizers, among other topics.




(ATR) Now in its seventh year, Sportaccord has grown into a "must" for the international sports industry. Drawing up to 1500 delegates, attendees include federation leaders, sponsors, bid and host cities, architects, broadcasters, rights holders and other sports specialists.

It’s the first time Sportaccord has been in the U.S., following meetings in Europe and Asia. Denver, hoping to impress sports leaders as a host for future events, will lay on the hospitality. All 1500 delegates are invited to attend an NHL game Thursday night.

Friday there are trips to the U.S. Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs or Denver-area sports venues.

Capitalizing on the the proximity of the Rocky Mountains, delegates can also take a day trip Saturday on the Ski Train, which departs from historic Union Station near the Sportaccord hotel. The train stops at the base of Winter Park ski resort, allowing for a run down the slopes before returning to Denver.

ATR's Sportaccord special editionmagazine, available online and in hard copy at Sportaccord, looks at what international federationshope to accomplish in thecoming year and examines issues facing2010 and 2012 organizers, among othertopics.

Click here to see the ATR Sportaccord 2009 special edition magazine.

