IFSC Executive Board official statement


The Executive Board of the International Federation of Sport Climbing (IFSC) met via teleconference on 18 February 2021 to address a series of important topics and ratify a number of decisions.


The IFSC is pleased to confirm that the inaugural competition of 2021 will take place as scheduled in Meiringen, Switzerland, on 16 and 17 April.

The mountain village in the Swiss Alps is a fixture on the IFSC calendar, one with a longstanding tradition of organising the opening World Cup of the season. This tradition was interrupted last year by the COVID-19 pandemic, and the IFSC is excited to welcome it back in 2021.

The IFSC Sport Department is working closely with the Swiss Alpine Club and local authorities to guarantee the safest possible environment for athletes, team officials, judges, routesetters, volunteers and all the parties involved. The "Addendum to IFSC Rules", redacted in 2020 by the Climbing during COVID-19 Working Group, is currently being reviewed and updated.

Registration for the IFSC World Cup in Meiringen will open on Monday 22 February 2021.


After a thorough consultation with the Fédération Française de la Montagne et de l’Escalade, it was also decided that the XVII IFSC General Assembly will be held virtually.

To allow as many participants as possible to attend, and in consideration of the vast number of time zones that Member Federations’ representatives will be connecting from, the schedule of the Assembly has been extended to three days – from 23 to 25 April – with shorter sessions and increased possibilities of interaction. The yearly gathering was initially scheduled to take place in Paris, France, on 23 and 24 April 2021.

A provisional agenda of the Assembly will be sent to Member Federations today, while the final version distributed by 26 March.


The IFSC finally confirms that the IFSC Climbing World Championships Moscow 2021 will take place in the Russian capital, as scheduled, from 15 to 22 September.

The announcement follows the decision taken on 17 December by the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) in the case between the World Anti-Doping Agency and the Russian Anti-Doping Agency.

The IFSC will continue working closely with the Climbing Federation of Russia and other organisations involved to fully respect the CAS decision and, at the same time, deliver an event that lives up to the standards required of the IFSC flagship competition.

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