IAAF Presidential Candidate Seb Coe Calls for Athletics Legacy Development Programmes for Major Event Hosts

IAAF Presidential candidate Seb Coe will ensure a greater focus on major event legacy planning if he is elected President of the IAAF.

IAAF Presidential candidate Seb Coe will ensure a greater focus on major event legacy planning if he is elected President of the IAAF. Speaking from the Pan Arab Athletics Championships which is taking place in Bahrain and involves 22 nations drawn from across the region, Coe pledged to create Athletics development programmes for future host nations of the Olympic Games and major IAAF events.

Seb Coe said:

"It is wonderful to see 22 Arab nations come together to compete at these 19th Arab Athletics Championships here in Bahrain. With the 2019 World Athletics Championships coming to this region in just four years time, Arab athletics is on the brink of a new era. The IAAF World Championships and Olympic Games remain the showcase events for our sport. It is therefore essential that the IAAF works closely with the future hosts of these crucial events to ensure that Athletics is able to thrive in the lead up to, and long after, these championships have ended."

"If elected IAAF President, I will ensure that tailored development programmes are put in place for major IAAF events and the Olympic Games at least five years ahead of hosting, and supported for at least four years after. This would also offer a clear legacy to those cities bidding for these major events."

"If you look at upcoming IAAF World Championships and Olympic Games over the next six years they cover China, Brazil, Qatar, Japan and the United States. It is crucial that the IAAF supports the Federations in each of these countries so they can in turn support young people who want to try Athletics because of what they have experienced through a major championships taking place in their home city or country. No Games or World Championships, wherever they are held, should leave Athletics untouched."

"The legacy from these events must be stronger local, regional and global Athletics development with more young people being drawn into our sport. This has not always been the case and the IAAF needs to be more hands on in helping Member Federations through greater promotional and marketing support and tailored resources to drive local Athlete development. If I am elected IAAF President I will make this a priority."

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