FIL President Fendt to visit Viessmann World Cup in Lillehammer

Lillehammer (RWH) The President of the International Luge Federation (FIL), Josef Fendt of Berchtesgaden, will honor this season’s 7th Viessmann World Cup in the Norwegian town of Lillehammer with his presence next weekend, January 31 to February 1, 2015, when Germany’s singles specialists Natalie Geisenberger and Felix Loch could well take a decisive step towards defending their titles. 


Lillehammer (RWH) The President of the International Luge Federation (FIL), Josef Fendt ofBerchtesgaden, will honor this season’s 7th Viessmann World Cup in the Norwegian town ofLillehammer with his presence next weekend, January 31 to February 1, 2015, whenGermany’s singles specialists Natalie Geisenberger and Felix Loch could well take a decisivestep towards defending their titles.

Olympic Champion Geisenberger has a current 770 points in the overall standings, acomfortable lead on teammate Dajana Eitberger at 526 points. So the 26-year-old is unlikelyto be deprived of her third overall victory in succession at this stage in the proceedings. Lochhas a similarly comfortable lead of 230 points, and can therefore also be expected to defendhis title. The three-time gold medallist already has three overall victories to his name (2011-2012, 2012-2013 and 2013-2014).

The greatest suspense is offered in the doubles, where Toni Eggert and Sascha Beneckenare ahead of their rivals, Olympic Champions Tobias Wendl and Tobias Arlt, by just 70 pointsafter their victory in Winterberg. Currently at third are Latvia’s Andris and Juris Šics (469points), who collected Olympic silver in 2010, and bronze medals in the doubles and theteam relay at Sochi 2014.

Germany set to defend title in Viessmann Team World Cup

Lillehammer (RWH) The Joska Crystal Cup is already polished and waiting, and Germany’slugers are on the verge of defending their title in the Viessmann Team Relay World Cuppresented by BMW. At the seventh round in the Viessmann World Cup in the Norwegiantown of Lillehammer next weekend, January 31 to February 1, 2015, head coach NorbertLoch’s protégés could well secure victory in the overall Team Relay rankings before all theraces have been run.As we approach Lillehammer, which will host the fifth of the six Viessmann Team RelayWorld Cups presented by BMW, the German team has 400 points, and a lead of 110 pointson their closest competitors, the USA, who have 290 points. Lillehammer is the penultimateteam relay before the final in Sochi (RUS) on March 1, 2015.

Lillehammer brings back memories of Norwegian winter fairy tale

Lillehammer (RWH) Think of Lillehammer and you can't help but think of the 1994 OlympicWinter Games. Eyewitnesses still wax lyrical today when remembering a "Norwegian winterfairy tale" or what have been called "the best Games ever".

Even the deciding runs in the luge - not exactly a classical discipline in Scandinavia - wereraced in front of sold-out spectator stands. Georg Hackl of Germany collected the gold medalin the men’s singles, his second since 1992, while Gerda Weissensteiner and Kurt BruggerWilfriedHuber of Italy won the women’s singles and the doubles.

The luge world turned its eyes on Lillehammer again just one year later, when theInternational Luge Federation (FIL) held its World Championships there. Armin Zöggeler ofItaly won his first ever title in the men’s, and Gabi Köhlisch of Germany came first in thewomen’s event. In the doubles, German duo Stefan Krauße and Jan Behrendt headed thefield.

And now the Olympic track in Hunderfossen, a stone’s throw from Lillehammer, will host aViessmann World Cup for the seventh time in its history. The young luge hopefuls have alsojust spent time in Norway at the FIL’s 30th Junior World Championships: good preparationfor the second Youth Olympic Games, which will be held in Lillehammer next winter.

The last time a Viessmann World Cup was hosted in Lillehammer was during the Olympicwinter of 2013-2014, when Dominik Fischnaller of Italy took his first ever victory in theopening Viessmann World Cup race. Natalie Geisenberger of Germany won the women’srace, and her teammates Tobias Wendl and Tobias Arlt won the doubles.

Predecessor and successor in one: Dyrdahl stands in for Eigentler

Lillehammer (RWH) The International Luge Federation’s Technical Director, ChristianEigentler of Austria, will be unable to attend the Viessmann World Cup in the Norwegiantown of Lillehammer because of a pinched nerve in his back. Bjørn Dyrdahl of Norway, whowas the FIL’s Technical Delegate for many years, only retiring during the last Olympic winter,will stand in for him. So the predecessor is following on from his successor.

32-year-old Eigentler left Winterberg on Sunday for his Austrian home, where he is to restand recuperate. The doctors expect the Tyrolean to be back in office by the 45th FIL WorldChampionships being held in the Latvian town of Sigulda on February 14-15, 2015. Eigentlerhurt his back at the Viessmann World Cup in Winterberg (GER) while helping an athlete fromLatvia leave the track after a crash. He was taken to the hospital and diagnosed with apinched nerve.

David Möller moves to Norway as coach

Lillehammer (RWH) Norway’s lugers are looking to benefit from German know-how. CoachBengt Walden (USA) has therefore been joined by David Möller, who took the silver medal atthe 2010 Winter Olympics and won the World Championships in 2004 and 2007. On Möller’sfirst day with Norway last weekend in Winterberg, Thor Haug Nørbech placed 18th.The 27-year-old raced into 17th place at the 2014 Winter Olympic Games in Sochi.

Möller, who ended his active career after his third Olympic Games in Russia, will besupporting the Norwegians at their "home" Viessmann World Cup next weekend inLillehammer and at the international training week before the 45th FIL World Championships.The fight for medals takes place in the Latvian town of Sigulda on February 14-15, 2015.

Separate world championship accreditation required for Sigulda

Sigulda (RWH) Media representatives wishing to report on the 45th World Championshipsbeing held by the International Luge Association (FIL) on 14 and 15 February in Sigulda,Latvia, will need additional accreditation. Their accreditation for the season from the FIL willnot be valid for the event.

An informal application should be sent by email to the Latvian luge association( stating full name, organisation (newspaper, online platform, radio, TV) andthe required position (photo, print or broadcast). An up-to-date passport photo should beattached to the email.

Accommodation enquiries can be sent to the Sigulda Tourism Information Center(

To view the Schedule of Lillehammer, Overall Standing Viessmann World Cup (after eight of twelve races), and Overall Standing Viessmann Team Relay World Cup presented by BMW,visit the FIL's website:

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