FIG Disciplinary Commission sanctions Rhythmic Gymnastics judges

The Disciplinary Commission of the International Gymnastics Federation (FIG) has pronounced sanctions against five Rhythmic Gymnastics judges who officiated at the 2014 World Rhythmic Gymnastics Championships in Izmir (TUR).

The Disciplinary Commission of the International Gymnastics Federation (FIG) has pronounced sanctions against five Rhythmic Gymnastics judges who officiated at the 2014 World Rhythmic Gymnastics Championships in Izmir (TUR).

Three judges received a warning for partisan judging, while two others have been suspended from all participation in FIG activities and other international competitions. One judge has been suspended for a period of three months, the other for six months, both for having favored a gymnast representing their respective countries.

The FIG conducts a thorough analysis of the scoring at all of its events in order to assure that results are in perfect harmony with the existing code of points. The judges evaluation system is based on a sophisticated statistical model that incorporates video analysis of routines and takes into consideration deviations from the scores given by an expert judging panel.

After a profound analysis of scores given at different competitions in 2014, including the Youth Olympic Games in Nanjing (CHN), this spring the FIG recognised the excellent work of 26 judges (please click here for more information.)

However, a few cases were also referred to the Disciplinary Commission, which heard them in Lausanne (SUI) on August 27.

In reporting its decisions, the commission stated that "it is crucial for the sport of Gymnastics that judges are at all times acting and seen to be acting in an independent, unbiased and competent manner. This is reflected in the Judges Oath (as set out in Reg. 7.12.1 TR) which states: 'In the name of all the Judges and officials, I promise that we shall officiate in these World Championships with complete impartiality, respecting and abiding by the rules which govern them in the spirit of sportsmanship.' Any judge who fails to act in this manner damages the image of Gymnastics both in the eyes of the public and, also importantly, in the eyes of the gymnasts, coaches and other judges upon whose continuing participation the sport of Gymnastics and therefore the future of the FIG itself is dependent."

Once notified, the sanctioned judges have the right to appeal the decision rendered by the FIG Disciplinary Commission to the FIG Appeal Tribunal within 21 days.

Understanding that the sport revolves around human judgment, the FIG has established clear rules and expectations of its judges, supported by regular courses and exams and regulated by technological means in order to assure that judges meet the level of excellence required of them.

For more information, contact:

FIG Media & Communications Department

+41 21 321 55 10

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