"Big Potential" for Sofia Winter Games Bid

(ATR) Bulgarian Ski Federation president Tzeko Minev suggests that Sofia could mount a bid for the Winter Games.


(ATR) Bulgarian Ski Federation president and business leader Tzeko Minev suggests that Sofia could once again mount a bid for the Winter Games.

Minev, vice-president of Sofia’s bid for the 2014 Olympics, spoke to Around the Rings on the sidelines of last weekend’s ladies’ World Cup alpine ski races at Bulgaria’s largest ski resort, Bansko.

"As Sofia continues to develop, for sure Bulgaria has to bid again for the Winter Olympic Games; we’ll have the infrastructure, the mountains here are very high and we have a really good winter with snow," Minev said.

Minev has been involved in the development of the Bansko Ski Resort - situated at the foot of Bulgaria's Pirin Mountains approximately 150 kilometres south of Sofia.

Minev advised that Bansko will be accessible by a new highway in the upcoming years, reducing travel time from Sofia to one hour. Additional infrastructure projects could bode well for a future Olympic bid.

"What the IOC is creating again – motivating more cities and countries to be candidates – this is really good potential for us," Minev said. "When the government takes the decision to give us permission to develop more and change the infrastructure, it is near the candidacy again, I’m sure."

With an elevation of 2600 meters coupled with steep and challenging terrain, Bansko would be suitable to host Olympic speed races.

"It’s for sure World Cup worthy," said four-time Olympic medalist Julia Mancuso. "It’s so steep – one of the more difficult courses."

Despite persistent fog and uncooperative weather – which caused significant delays and the cancellation of two super-G races – Bansko continues to gain status as a well-received venue on the FIS tour. Last weekend marked the fifth time that the expanding southwestern Bulgarian resort hosted World Cup races.

In lieu of the unfriendly weather, the Bansko finish area stadium and VIP tent were nearly filled throughout the weekend. Influential Bulgarian leaders and business executives attended the races.

A charity dinner, attended by Bulgarian president Rosen Plevneliev, was held on Saturday evening.

Ski racing legends Alberto Tomba and Marc Girardelli have also pledged their support to the Bansko resort and World Cup races.

"This is the top major international sporting event in Bulgaria, and we have full support of our government and the ministry ofsport," Minev said. "We are really proud to host all of these top ladies."

The 2014 Sofia bid, which lacked political support from the Bulgarian government, was one of four cities that failed to be shortlisted by the IOC.

Sofia was also a strong contender for the 1992 and 1994 Olympics while under the Communist regime. In the first round of voting for the 1992 Games, Sofia received more votes (25-18) than Albertville before eventually losing to the French city in the sixth round (51-25).

In voting for the 1994 Games, Sofia was ousted in the first round.

Despite the nation’s current economic climate, Minev is optimistic that Sofia could return as a candidate city, whether for the 2026 Games or at a later time.

"All this history shows that Bulgaria has the potential with Sofia," Minev said of a potential future Olympic bid. "All the infrastructure of the city helps for sure. We only have to develop the mountains.

"For the future, there is big potential."

Written by Brian Pinelli in Bansko

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