The Cancellation of ANOC Beach Games in Bali: The Real Reason, Costly Consequences, and the Importance of Non-Discrimination in Sports

The recent withdrawal of Indonesian government support for the ANOC Beach Games in Bali has raised questions about the real reason behind the cancellation



2nd ANOC World Beach Games BALI 2023
2nd ANOC World Beach Games BALI 2023


The recent withdrawal of Indonesian government support for the ANOC Beach Games in Bali has raised questions about the real reason behind the cancellation. While initial reports suggested a disagreement over Israel’s participation, it is important to analyze the situation more closely to understand the true cause. This article delves into the matter, highlighting the implications of the government’s decision, the financial consequences faced by the Association of National Olympic Committees (ANOC), the importance of non-discrimination in sports, and FIFA’s similar decision to withdraw the Under-20 Championship from Bali.

Governor’s Opposition to Israeli Athletes

Bali Governor Wayan Koster publicly stated that he would not allow the participation of Israeli athletes in the World Beach Games, sparking controversy and uncertainty. However, ANOC Secretary General Gunilla Lindberg dismissed the governor’s opposition as “noise in the media,” asserting that all countries should be allowed to compete based on the existing agreement.

Financial Repercussions for ANOC

Despite the initial dismissal of the governor’s statements, it became evident that they were more than just media noise. ANOC now faces the costly consequence of reimbursing millions of dollars to the National Olympic Committees (NOCs) that had already spent on airline tickets and preparations for the event. This sudden cancellation not only disrupts the athletes’ training and preparations but also puts an additional financial burden on ANOC.

The Need for Proactive Measures

In hindsight, ANOC should have paid closer attention to the governor’s statements and taken immediate action to address the situation. Instead of downplaying the opposition, ANOC could have engaged in dialogue and negotiation to find a resolution. By taking proactive measures, ANOC could have potentially saved millions of dollars in ticket expenses and avoided the disruption caused by the cancellation.

The Importance of Non-Discrimination in Sports

One of the fundamental principles of sports is the fair and equal treatment of all athletes, regardless of their nationality. No athlete should be punished or discriminated against because of their passport. Sports events should provide a platform for athletes to showcase their talent and compete based on merit, rather than political or national considerations. Discrimination based on nationality undermines the spirit of sportsmanship and the principles of inclusivity and fairness that are integral to the Olympic Movement and other sporting events.

FIFA’s Similar Decision

In a similar vein, FIFA made a noteworthy decision to withdraw the Under-20 Championship from Bali due to concerns regarding discrimination and non-compliance with FIFA’s principles of inclusivity and fair play. This further highlights the need for sports organizations and governing bodies to prioritize the principles of non-discrimination, ensuring that athletes from all nations are given equal opportunities to participate and compete in a fair and inclusive environment.

Lessons Learned and Moving Forward

The cancellation of the ANOC Beach Games in Bali raises important considerations about effective communication, proactive decision-making, and non-discrimination in sports. The financial repercussions faced by ANOC underscore the importance of addressing potential issues and disputes in a timely manner. Moreover, it is crucial to emphasize that no athlete should be punished or discriminated against based on their passport or nationality. By upholding the principles of inclusivity, fairness, and non-discrimination, sports organizations can ensure that athletes from all nations have equal opportunities to compete and uphold the integrity of sporting events.

