Diane Henderson elected President of Trinidad and Tobago Olympic Committee following historic vote

For the first time in its history, the TTOC has a female president. The election of Diane Henderson marks a new chapter for the national sports body.



Newly elected President of the TTOC Diane Henderson. Photo provided by: TTOC
Newly elected President of the TTOC Diane Henderson. Photo provided by: TTOC

Diane Henderson became the first female president of the Trinidad and Tobago Olympic Committee (TTOC) on Saturday. She defeated Rowena Williams 24 votes to 10 to become the eleventh president of the TTOC.

The all-female slate of candidates had guaranteed an historic outcome, but a vote was still needed to confirm the next president of the TTOC. Henderson was quick to thank her supporters following her election during the 75th Annual General Meeting of the TTOC.

“Thank you to the general council for entrusting me in leading the TTOC and taking on this new mantle,” said Henderson. “I am stoked and thrilled in demonstrating my leadership abilities to carry the organization into the new world of sport, innovation and commercialism.”

Henderson has a wealth of sports governance to draw upon for guidance in her new role. She has served as Vice-President of the TTOC, Chair of Women In Sport Commission, and Chef de Mission for the Caribbean nation at three editions of the Pan American Games and the 2018 Commonwealth Games.

She is also an elected member of the World Triathlon Multisport Committee and Chairperson of the Trinidad and Tobago Marathon Committee. Her academic background is in psychology.

Diane Henderson, President of the TTOC, at the Cali 2021 Junior Pan American Games. Photo provided by: TTOC
Diane Henderson, President of the TTOC, at the Cali 2021 Junior Pan American Games. Photo provided by: TTOC

Her election as President of the TTOC also elevates her to presidencies of the Trinidad and Tobago Commonwealth Games Association (TTCGA) and the Trinidad and Tobago Sand and Beach Games Association (TTSBGA). She takes over those roles from outgoing TTOC President Brian Lewis.

Lewis told Around the Rings, “when I established Future is Female during my tenure at TTOC, this was the goal. That I would pass the baton to a woman.”

He leaves the highest post at the TTOC after two terms, though he will remain a member of the Executive Board.

Henderson remarked on his impact on the TTOC on Saturday, stating, “it would be remiss of me not to mention my predecessor, Mr. Brian Lewis, for his unstinting dedication and commitment to the TTOC/TTCGA/TTSBGA. Nothing has gone unnoticed.”

She added, “thanks also to everyone who supported me throughout my sporting and other careers leading to this occasion. I look forward to working with each and every one of you, especially the new Executive Board.”

Henderson’s first few months as President of the TTOC will likely be busy as the Caribbean nation is set to send delegations to the 2022 Caribbean Games and 2022 Commonwealth Games.

Her impact on the TTOC is yet to be seen, but no matter the outcome of her leadership, it will be a historic period for the Caribbean nation.



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