Olympian, Surfer and Humanitarian Duke Kahanomoku Saluted in Film

The producers of Waterman, a new documentary on the life of Kahanomoku, talk about the film in the ATR podcast.


The story of legendary Duke Kahanomokou is coming to life more than a century since his triumphs as an Olympian and creator of the sport of surfing. Kahanomoku, born in 1890, is undoubtedly the most famed sportsman from the Hawaiian Islands.

Waterman is the title of the documentary that premieres November 5 at the Honolulu Film Festival.

The 90-minute film is produced by Sidewinder Films, the media division of the Foundation for Global Sports Development. Other recent productions include At the Heart of Gold, about the USA Gymnastics sex abuse debacle and Munich 72, which examined the terror attack on Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics.

Dr. Steven Ungerleider and David Ulich, the founders of GSD and the producers of Sidewinder Films, talk with Around the Rings editor emeritus Ed Hula about Waterman in this ATR Podcast, recorded Oct. 27.

Duke Kahanomoku
Duke Kahanomoku
WATERMAN film poster
WATERMAN film poster