The World Union of Olympic Cities is part ofthe program of the United Nations Habitat III Conference to be held October 17th to20th in Quito Ecuador and will present its activities and how it contributes to helping citiesensure their sustainable urban development.
Habitat III, formally known as the United Nations conference on Housing and SustainableUrban Development, is a major global summit which takes place once in a generation.
Third in a series that began in 1976, the 2016 Conference aims at reinvigorating theglobal political commitment to the sustainable development of towns, cities and otherhuman settlements, both rural and urban. During conferences spread over four days,presidents, ministers, among other representatives, from 140 countries will produce andadopt a New Urban Agenda, a global vision of sustainable development for the next 20years.
Concerned by urban development and strongly connected to the international sport world and the Olympic Movement, the World Union of Olympic Cities, by creating andmaintaining a contact between past and future host cities, seeks to ensure a continuousand long-term legacy of the Olympic Games within host cities and to guarantee theexchange of knowledge.
The World Union of Olympic Cities will present its theme on Thursday 20th.
"Our presence to Habitat III in Quito is a significant step for the World Union of OlympicCities, we’re very proud of it!" says Mrs. Mélanie Duparc, Secretary General of the WorldUnion of Olympic Cities. "Such a rendezvous will allow us to revise our understanding ofthe current trends of urbanisation and confirm the model role Olympic Cities can play as
sources of inspiration to other cities in order to ensure a sustainable and positive impact ofthe Games. "
The World Union of Olympic Cities is the only association which brings together formerand future Olympic Cities. Currently, 38 cities are members of the Union.
For more information, please contact:
World Union of Olympic Cities
Media Relations
Tel: +41 (0)21 315 24 49