USA Swimming sexual abuse victim wins the war in a contentious court battle.



A Stockton, California sexual abuse victim will receive $1.125 million from USA Swimming affiliates Stockton Swim Club and Pacific Swimming following a one-year-long fight.

In addition to the money, attorneys Robert Allard and Lauren Cerri exposed USA Swimming's failures to protect children from sexual abuse by coaches. The biggest failure, according to the attorneys, is that the person heading one of the largest youth-serving organizations in the country simply does not know how to identify the red flag warning signs of a sexual abuser or "grooming" behaviors.

On at least eight occasions, the jury hears Hinchey state that he is unaware and not knowledgeable about the grooming process that leads to sexual abuse. When asked if he knew that grooming takes place over time, Hinchey responded, "I'm not familiar with the -- how grooming takes place."

"The settlement will go a long way towards taking care of our client," said attorney Robert Allard. "We chose to take on a very challenging case against USA Swimming to hold it accountable for the negligent taking of our client's innocence and quality of life. We had no choice but to put this case before a jury since USA Swimming took no accountability and offered nuisance monies, which we rejected before trial. The fact that they offered a mere $20 a day for the harm caused to our client is an insult and shows what they think of sexual abuse victims," Allard added.

"While we are disappointed in the result delivered by a Stockton, California jury, we can honestly say that we fought tooth and nail for full justice for a very deserving client for the hell that she has been and will go through as a result of being subjected to unspeakable molestations," said Allard.

As a result, the victim will receive $1.125 million from USA Swimming affiliates even though a Stockton jury did not find the organization negligent.


Ed Vasquez

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