U.S. Women's Cycling Team Wins Silver Medal in London Olympics Using Big Data Analytics

Athletes use Datameer to integrate, analyze and visualize quantified self data to improve training

SAN MATEO, Calif., June 26, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- In the keynote session at the Hadoop Summit in San Jose, Sky Christopherson, world record holder and world-class athlete, will detail how the U.S. Women's Olympic cycling team went from a 5-second deficit at the world championships to a Silver medal in the 2012 London Olympics supported by quantified self data and big data analytic techniques with Datameer. The session will be held on the main stage at the San Jose Convention Center at 8:30 a.m. on Thursday, June 27. Those not at the show can watch the live video stream at http://hadoopsummit.org/san-jose/keynote/.

"In an era of doping, I think its important to show that there is a way to gain meaningful edge without relying on performance enhancing drugs," said Sky Christopherson. "With Datameer, we were able to integrate, analyze and visualize the sensor and device data critical to making informed training decisions. I'm looking forward to sharing this story with the Hadoop community - the very people that made these advancements possible."

"This is the kind of story that really underscores what we're trying to do at Datameer. We believe the worlds biggest challenges can be solved with data, and that people just need the right tools to be able to uncover critical insights," said Stefan Groschupf, CEO of Datameer. "We are so honored to have had the opportunity to work with Sky and the U.S. Women's cycling team, and to have played a small part in helping them bring home the Silver medal."

About Datameer

Datameer's Big Data Discovery and Hadoop analytics solution ensures the fastest time to discovering insights in any data. Anyone can use Datameer's wizard-based data integration, iterative point-and-click analytics, and drag-and-drop visualizations to find the insights that matter to drive their business forward. Founded by Hadoop veterans in 2009, Datameer scales from a laptop to thousands of nodes and is available for all major Hadoop distributions. Datameer is based in San Mateo, Calif. For more information on Datameer, please visit www.datameer.com


Susan Puccinelli

Datameer, Inc.



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