The UCI Junior Track Cycling World Championships will begin on Wednesday at the headquarters of theUnion Cycliste Internationale (UCI) in Aigle, Switzerland.
Across five days (July 20 to 24), track cycling’s new generation comes together at the UCI World CyclingCentre (WCC).
One year on from the Worlds in Astana (Kazakhstan), more than 300 athletes from 43 countries (aparticipation record, with Brazil taking part for the first time) will compete for 19 titles during this 42ndedition of the World Championships for athletes aged 17 and 18.
With the aim of helping to develop the discipline all over the world, the UCI WCC has helped selected Juniorriders to prepare for these World in Aigle. In the weeks leading up to the competition, 16 athletes from tencountries trained at the Centre, benefitting from its facilities and the advice of its professional trainers.
Since it opened in 2002, more than 1,100 young riders from over 100 countries have trained at the UCIWCC. Athletes who trained in Aigle have won three Olympic titles and 38 UCI World Champion rainbowjerseys.
During the UCI Junior Track Cycling World Championships, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and theUCI will lead a joint awareness programme entitled #IRideClean, in order to explain to the young athletesthe dangers of doping. This programme is just one of the UCI-WADA initiatives that aim to protect therights of honest sportspeople.
In terms of coverage, the event will be broadcast live every day on the website and can also befollowed on social media:
Twitter: @UCI_Track
Facebook: @UnionCyclisteInternationale
Instagram: uci_cycling
Snapchat: uci_cycling
For more information, please contact:
Louis Chenaille
UCI Press Officer
+41 79 198 7047
John Zerafa
VERO Communications
+44 7813 814 816