Transport Blueprint for the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games Released

The GC2018 Transport Operations Planoutlines the best way for 1.2 million ticketed spectators and more to get to venues.



The Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games (GC2018) Transport Operations Plan (TOP) outlines the best way for 1.2 million ticketed spectators and thousands more workforce members, volunteers, athletes, officials and media to get to venues, while keeping the Gold Coast and event cities Brisbane, Cairns and Townsville moving.

It also provides residents and businesses with information about proposed changes to public transport services and road networks during GC2018, so everyone can be prepared.

The TOP has been jointly developed by the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games Corporation (GOLDOC), the Department of Transport and Main Roads and the City of Gold Coast.

The transport industry, business and the local community also played a vital role in the development of the TOP.

A draft TOP was released for consultation on 30 November 2016.

During the three-month consultation period, extensive liaison with the transport industry occurred, face-to-face meetings were conducted with 188 business owners and operators, while almost 550 people provided feedback on the plan via an online survey.

The three main areas of interest were spectator access to venues, M1 reliability and changes to local area road networks during the 4-15 April 2018 Games.

The final TOP expands on the GC2018 Transport Strategic Plan released in 2014 and takes into account forecast travel requirements, the competition program, previous feedback from key industry stakeholders and learnings from major events on the Gold Coast and in other event cities.

Detailed transport operational planning for the Games will continue until April 2018.

TOP details can be found at

GOLDOC Chairman, Peter Beattie AC:

"We all know that well planned and efficient transport operations will be critical to the success of the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games.

"Planning has been underway for some time to make sure the transport system can effectively balance the needs of the athletes, officials, spectators, workforce, volunteers and regular commuters during the Games.

"The TOP details some key enhancements to the transport and road networks to support the Games, including a network of park ‘n’ ride sites, Games shuttle buses and additional heavy and light rail services.

"It considers the Brisbane to Gold Coast corridor and highlights the best ways of travelling between the two centres by road or rail.

"And right across the transport network we are acting on many of the practical suggestions made during the consultation period, such as locating bike racks as close to venues as possible and promoting walking and other forms of active travel."

City of Gold Coast Acting Mayor, Donna Gates:

"The City and partners are already providing local businesses and residents specific details about local changes to traffic networks with our travel demand management initiative, Get Set for the Games.

"With the TOP launched, we are outlining our forward plan for engagement with residents and businesses around each venue.

"By making small changes to the way they travel, residents and visitors will keep the city moving and help deliver a great Games."

GOLDOC CEO, Mark Peters:

"During GC2018, the Gold Coast will experience increased demand on traffic networks and the transport system has to be managed well to support a successful event.

"Today’s release of the GC2018 Transport Operations Plan details what will be required and allows people to plan early.

"Industry groups have requested ongoing involvement in the transport planning in the lead-up to GC2018 and we are committed to that.

"And we ask everyone – residents, businesses and industry – to get on board to make sure we meet the transport challenges and keep the Games moving.

"All travellers will be given the right tools to navigate their journey during the Games."

For more information, please contact:

Wayne Hickson

Tel: +61 407 028 917

Program Manager Communication and Media

Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games Corporation (GOLDOC)

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