The Sochi 2014 Olympic Torch arrives in Chita

The Sochi 2014 Olympic Torch Relay was received in Chita, the capital of Zabaikalye Region. 130 torchbearers covered 23 km, including nominees of the Sochi 2014 Relay Presenting Partners the Coca-Cola Company, OSAO "Ingosstrakh " and OAO "Russian Railways".

Zabaikalye Region is the youngest constituent entity of the Russian Federation, formed in 2008 through the merger of Chita Region and Agin-Buryat Autonomous Okrug.

Raisa Bazhenova, Ayuna Munkueva and Sergey Romanyuk passed each other Olympic Flame on the summit of Mount Pallas, located on the watershed the world's oceans. In fact, it separates the basins of three rivers - the Amur River, which flows into the Pacific Ocean, as well as the Lena and the Yenisei, flowing into the Arctic Ocean. Next, the Sochi 2014 Relay started in the city on the square in front of the railway station, where the Olympic Torch was delivered from Amur Region by the corporate Relay train of Presenting Partner Russian Railway.

The Olympic Flame visited the Vysokogorye sports complex where torchbearers carried the Flame to the stadium of the biathlon center. At the Ice Palace, torchbearer Ravil Geniatulin traveled his distance by skating around the arena. The Olympic Flame was also carried past the Buddhist Damba braybunling datsan, where at the gate, the Flame was greeted by Lama monks.

Torchbearers of Chita also included residents of the city, who were honored the right thanks to valiant labor: Aleksandr Filonich - Honoured Builder, veteran of nuclear power engineering and industry; Tatyana Belokrinitskaya - Honoured Doctor of Russia, and doctor of medical sciences; Alesya Savva, Teacher of the Year. Famous athletes who have earned the glory of Russian Olympic medals and prizes from world championships who held the Olympic Torch in their hands included: Lyudmila Titova, winner and prize-winner of the Olympic Games in 1968 and 1972 in speed skating; Bayr Badenov, honoured master of sports of international class in archery, bronze medalist of the Summer Olympic Games in Beijing, and Gennady Kovalev, Biathlon World Champion and participant in the Olympic Winter Games in Sapporo.

The final torchbearer was twice champion of the Paralympic Games in London in 2012, honoured master of sports in archery and world record holder Timur Tuchinov, who lit the Olympic Cauldron, presented to the city by Sochi 2014 Relay Presenting Partner OSAO "Ingosstrakh".

The Sochi 2014 Relay will continue on to the capital of Buryatia, Ulan-Ude.

For more information on the Sochi 2014 Olympic Torch Relay, visit, or call +7 495 984 2014.

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