July 31, 2019 Please contact:
Ed Vasquez
408-420-6558 or ed@ejvcommunications.com
(Washington, D.C.) The Committee to Restore Integrity to the USOPC’s aim is to prevent the possibility of another Scott Blackmun, a corrupt leader, and a Larry Nassar, someone who took advantage of the Olympic system to abuse athletes. There are many positive aspects of the Empowering Olympic and Amateur Athletes Act of 2019, and Team Integrity is proud of our many proposals that are part of the legislation. The Act recognizes the USOPC’s dishonorable leadership, and we are heartened that the U.S. Center for SafeSport will be more fully funded. But the new legislation proposed by Senators Moran and Blumenthal does not represent the necessary reforms necessary for elite athletes, and does not prevent another Scott Blackmun or a Larry Nassar. What made Nassar so successful was Blackmun-enforced athlete-powerlessness, rather than a lack of staff and resouces to "protect" our athletes. This legislation doesn’t yet address two central problems that were thoroughly flushed out by the House Subcommittee Report, the USOPC-funded Ropes & Gray Report, or the USOPC-chartered Borders Commission: fear of retaliation and a lack of power balance between the elite athletes and the Corporation.
Team Integrity does not oppose the Empowering Olympic and Amateur Athletes Act of 2019; it will benefit the 16 million athletes in the Olympic Movement. But we believe it must be strengthened for elite athletes. We look forward to working with both offices to address these issues, and we are hopeful that the Senator Moran and Senator Blumenthal legislation can be combined with the legislation proposed by Senator Gardner and Congresswoman DeGette to more comprehensively remedy the problems at the Olympic and Paralympic movement.
The USOPC has been wracked by repetitive scandals; the public knows of only the most egregious ones, those that were able to break through the presumption of silence. For years, athlete whistleblowers attempted to reform the system from within, and were ruthlessly punished for speaking the truth; that the governance of the Olympic movement was flawed, that sexually abused Olympians and Paralympians were intentionally ignored as a matter of official USOPC Board Policy. In ongoing efforts to change these Board positions, (it is still appalling that anyone would fight hard against protecting athletes from abuse) Olympians and Paralympians turned to the U.S. Congress to step in to fundamentally change the system in order to protect athletes and create an Olympic Committee governance that would make America proud.
We are grateful that the proposed legislation recognizes just how corrupt that the USOPC and USAG were. But those same people are still in power, or were chosen by those who were in power at the height of the willful failure of money over morals. Olympians and Paralympians came up with sophisticated solutions to assist lawmakers in ensuring these problems never happen again. For example, they asked for an Inspector General to fairly adjudicate concerns in the Olympic system. They asked for an Athlete Advocate to serve as an independent professional advocate for athlete issues, on par with the CEO. They asked for attorney’s fees when an athlete challenges all types of abuse and wins in Sports Act-mandated arbitrations. They asked that the Athlete’s Advisory Committee, the AAC, be fully funded, with firewalls to prevent the corporation from luring athletes from tough athlete-centric positions with money and adulation. And they asked for fundamental governance changes that would improve transparency and give athletes a true seat at the table. Sarah Hirshland, current CEO of the USOPC for almost a year, has twice publicly stated that she does not have a solution for the problem of retaliation. Furthermore, disabled athletes who compete in the Paralympics were completely left out of this legislation, except for a name-change.
Lastly, we fear if this legislation passes as written, it will embolden the corporation against everyone who has spoken out against the current system. Groups like ours, Team Integrity, and so many athlete whistleblowers who have bravely stood up for reform through the years will certainly be at risk.
Without removing either the people or the power structures, this legislation would not have prevented the problems of the past, and as detailed below, does not solve current athlete-powerlessness problems. Therefore, the proposed Act should not be accepted as complete reform for the future. The Committee to Restore Integrity to the USOPC thanks Senator Moran and Senator Blumenthal for this strong bill to stand on moving forward, and we look forward to continue collaborating. We, the Olympians and Paralympians who gave up decades of our lives for the Movement, cannot afford to allow another 20 years of athlete abuse before enacting comprehensive reforms.
Athlete Disempowerment During CEO Sarah Hirshland Tenure:
• Problematic candidates Rich Bender and Steve Mesler were appointed to four-year terms on to the USOPC Board over AAC objections and without input from the AAC.
• The USOPC formed a committee to gift some of the most lucrative marks, the Olympic rings, to colleges and universities, without athlete input. According to the current Sports Act, Athletes are supposed to constitute 20% of all committees and board positions.
o Athletes are still not permitted to use the marks for their own fundraising.
o It is unclear after this proposed legislation how this would be resolved.
• The USOPC has taken the position that it does not need to provide athletes with the due process protections guaranteed by the Sports Act and USOC by-laws. Athletes at Olympic Training Centers face complaints, labeled as somehow related to "SafeSport". The complaints are along the lines of an anonymous "I don’t feel safe around this athlete." These "SafeSport complaints" are not fact specific, and do not allege that the athlete has put someone else in danger. Instead, the athlete may have said an NGB employee was incompetent. The NGB then conveys this "SafeSport Compliant" to the USOPC, and it summarily bans the athlete from using the OTC and from receiving funding. (See Team Integrity "USOC New Due Process Challenges")
• Athlete health insurance is discontinued when athletes need it most: when they become sick, injured or become pregnant, and their rankings drop.
o Otherwise, the USOPC is insuring some of the youngest, healthiest people in the insurance pool; it could scarcely be cheaper.
• The USOPC required USA Women’s National Team in Soccer to sue their NGB when they face sex discrimination. Instead of the USOPC protecting the athlete, the USOPC funds the NGBs, including their legal costs against athletes. See also, women’s hockey, cycling and rugby.
• Budget: Money allocation reflects values. As Will Hobson reported years ago, the 5-rings have made executives rich, while keeping athletes poor. Nothing has changed. https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/olympics/olympic-executives-cash-in-on-a-movement-that-keeps-athletes-poor/2016/07/30/ed18c206-5346-11e6-88eb-7dda4e2f2aec_story.html?utm_term=.e924e3851d57
o Blackmun spoke at an AAC meeting after the 2016 Olympics and the athletes were challenging the staff bonuses that were bigger for the executives than for athletes winning the gold medal. He said, quote, "who do you think wins the medals?" Really.
o Lisa Baird, head of marketing, recently left with a $300K severance, and $400K bonus.
o Patrick Sandusky, head of communications, left with a $500K severance.
o Blackmun’s pay in 2018 – for working 2 months was $3M.
o Suzanne Lyons was paid $100,000/ month as interim CEO of the USOC. Yet Lyon’s expected compensation as a Senior VP at Visa would be between $174K - $285K per year.
o While the USOPC board said Scott Blackmun was resigning for health reasons at the time, now they’re saying it was because the USOPC needed "new leadership."
We cannot find a single quote from February/ March/ April 2018 that was anything other than praising his leadership, and citing his health as the reason for leaving.
o The USOC will pay a national coach $250K and the athletes 0, but on the 990 or the budget it will say that the USOC spent $250K for "athlete support". Thereby, the USOC can CLAIM must of the $317M budget is going to "support" athletes – but it is actually more money going into coaches/ executives pockets.
o It is unclear after this proposed legislation how this would be resolved.
• Team Integrity had direct conversations and written communications with Sarah Hirshland about conflicts of interest when the USOPC hires AAC members in January 2019. Yet Hirshland then went on to hire an AAC member, who just happened to sit on the Hirshland-CEO hiring committee just months prior. (See Attached "Team Integrity Athlete First Recommendations")
o It is unclear after this proposed legislation how this would be resolved.
• USA Track and Field failed to adhere to its own selection procedures for the Pan American Games, resulting in 39 athletes who were completely innocent who were left off the national team. One athlete spent $21,000, who did nothing wrong.
o Worse, at a Section 9 AAA arbitration, USATF did not adhere to the requirement that all AAA arbitrations must include all affected parties. Athletes and their families spent thousands of dollars to resolve this incompetence… again. The USOPC has not stepped in to help athletes.
• USA Table Tennis adopted selection procedures that included the results of competitions that had already occurred. (impermissible retro-active qualifications) Additionally, the selection procedures gave undue discretion to the coach, rather than objective criteria, making athletes more vulnerable to abuse. The USOPC has not stepped in to help athletes, and it is unclear how the Empowering Olympic and Amateur Athletes Act of 2019 would remedy this ongoing problem.
Members of Team Integrity include:
Executive Committee:
Ed Williams, J.D., Oly
Nancy Hogshead-Makar, J.D., Oly
Robert Allard, J.D.
Robert Andrews, MA, LMFT
Jessica Armstrong, J.D.
Eli Bremer, Oly
Chuck Foster, Former USOC Officer
Herman R. Frazier, Oly, Former USOC Officer
Kathy Johnson Clarke, Oly
Lucila Hemmingsen, J.D.
Micki King, Oly
Jon Little, J.D.
Donna Lopiano, Ph.D.
Charles Milam, former USOC Board Member
Dia Rianda
Eva Rodansky
Pat Rodowsky
Steven Sexton, Ph.D.
Jennifer Spiegel, J.D.
Olympians, Paralympians, Coaches and Elite Athletes:
Mary Harvey, Oly
Greg Louganis, Oly
Scott Johnson, Oly
Julianne McNamara, Oly
Ariana Kukors Smith, Oly
Martina Navratilova, Oly
Horace Holden, Oly
Pam Shriver, Oly
Tai Babilonia, Oly
Tracee Talavera, Oly
Bill Stapleton, Oly
Nancy Lieberman, Oly
Dave Berkoff, Oly
Caroline Lind, Oly
Cynthia Potter, Oly
Taraje Williams-Murray, Oly
Don Barcome, Jr., Oly
Larry Hough, Oly, former AAC and USOC Officer
Mitzi Kramer Tighe, Oly
Marci Frederick, Oly
Scott Donie, Oly
Cristina Teuscher Fabbri, Oly
Ian Whatley, Oly
Keith Sanderson, Oly
Seth Kelsey, Oly
Bonny Warner Simi, Oly
Sebastian DeFrancesco, Oly
Joe Jacobi, Oly
Sean O’Neill, Oly
Eric Barnes, Oly
Barb Weinstein McGrath, Oly
Debby McCormick, Oly
Nick Peterson, Oly
Jennifer Hooker Brinegaar, Oly
Allen James, Oly
Brenda Borgh Bartlett, Oly
Janis Hape Dowd, Oly
Deb Armstrong, Oly
Anthony Zahn, Oly
Andrew Hermann, Oly
Carrie Sheinberg, Oly
Sue Heon-Preston, Oly
Allison Wagner, Oly
Linda Jezek Wittwer, Oly
Inga Thompson, Oly
Tiffany Cohen, Oly
Joan Hansen, Oly
Tracy Evans-Land, Oly
Cathy (Catherine) Hearn, Oly
Betsy Mitchell, Oly
Doug Lewis, Oly
Carrie Steinseifer Bates, Oly
Steve Gregg, Oly
Jack Elder, Oly
Deena Deardurff Schmidt, Oly
Arlene Limas, Oly
Stacey Liapis-Fuchsgruber, Oly
Troy Dumias, Oly
Justin Dumias, Oly
Christopher R. (Tiff) Wood, Oly
Tim Caldwell, Oly
John Morton, Oly
Loren Drum, Oly
Laurel (Brassey) Iverson, Oly, former AAC member
Jay Bowerman, Oly
Richard Mize, Oly
Glen Eberle, Oly
Dennis Donahue, Oly
Megan Neyer, Ph.D., Oly
Erik Henriksen, Oly
Dennis Donahue, Oly
Judy Blumberg, Oly
Tom Lough, Ph.D., Oly
Caroline Pingatore Holmes, Oly
David C. Johnson, M.D., Oly
Dana Schoenfield Reyes, Oly
Pat Winslow Connolly, Oly
Arlene Limas, Oly
Jeff Olson, Oly
Khadevis Robinson, Oly
Jim Galanes, Oly
Keith Frostad, Oly
Victoria King, M.D., Oly
Lynette Love, Oly
Kay Poe Sheffield, Oly
Julia Chase-Brand, Oly
Kendis Moore Drake, Oly
Pete Karns, Oly
Caroline Lalive, Oly
Jeffrey Swider-Peltz, Oly
Cathy Jean Marino, Oly
Alison Owen Bradley, Oly
Horace Holden, Oly
Sue Baker, Oly
Craig Ward, Oly
Bill Koch, Oly
Debbie Meyer, Oly
Jeff Farrell, Oly
Jim Henry, Oly
Joe Lamb, Oly
Levi Kirkpatrick, Oly
George Mount, Oly
Steve Cohen, Oly
Jan Margo Henne, Oly
Kevin Brochman, Oly
Randy Barnes, Oly
Justin Spring, Oly
Cale Simmons, Oly
Chelle Stack Marcella, Oly
Kellie Wells Brinkley, Oly
Lauren Gibbs, Oly
Nathan Schrimsher, Oly
Keith Brantly, Oly
Carol Newnan Cronin, Oly
Russell Hodge, Oly
Jimmy Pino, Oly
Ralph Wakley, Oly
Craig Lincoln, Oly
Michael Roth, Oly
Matthew Laue, Oly
Tasha Schwikert, Oly
Russell Hodge, Oly
Larissa Boyce, Oly
Rick Early, Oly
Barb McGrath, Oly
Christine Witty, Oly
Phoebe Mills, Oly
Lauren McFall Gardner, Oly
B.J. Bedford Miller, Oly
Greg Ruckman, Oly
Samantha Livingstone, Oly
John Caldwell, Oly and Oly Coach
Janet Ely, Oly and Coach
Bob Balk, Paralympian
Jon Lujan, Paralympian
Tahl Leibovitz, Paralympian
Ted Fey, Ph.D., Paralympian and IPC Member
Marty Hall, Oly Coach
Don Gambril, Oly Coach
Frank Thomas, Oly Coach
Jan Olesinski, Oly and Coach
Tracy Sundlun, Oly Team Manager
Monica Rowland, Elite Athlete and AAC Member
Art Stegen, Nat’l Team Coach
Doe Yamashiro, DO, Nat’l Team
Dagny Knutson, Nat’l Team Vanessa Atler, Nat’l Team
Peggy Haslach, Nat’l Team
Estee Pryor, Nat’l Team
Chris Riegel, Nat’l Team
Christine Loock, M.D., Nat’l Team
Patty Spees Maysent, Nat’l Team
John Walker, Nat’l Team Coach
Rebecca Carlson, Elite Coach
Pam Boteler, Elite Athlete
Lara Carlson, Elite Athlete
Dawn Riley, Elite Athlete
Carmen Small, Elite Athlete
Susie Kincade, Elite Athlete
Perry Toles, J.D., Elite Athlete
Nate Di Palma, Elite Athlete
Rachael Presler, J.D., Elite Athlete
Julie Whitman DeLucia
Chris DeSantis, Coach
Athletes Abused in Olympic Movement:
Rachael Denhollander, J.D.
Morgan McCall
Sarah Klein, J.D.
Danielle Moore, Psy.D.
Amanda Thomashow
Chrissy Weathersby Ball
Larissa Boyce
Sara Teristi
Diana Nyad
Courtney Kiehl
Bridie Farrell
Jancy Thompson
Debra Denithorne Grodensky
Dani Bostick
Mandy Maloon
Melissa Merson
Olivia Venuto
Danielle Moore, Psy.D.
Louise Harder
Grace French
Sarah Power Barnard
Kay Rogness
Julie Bremner Romias
Sarah Ehekircher
Michele Kurtzman Greenfield
Lisa Burt, in memory of Sarah Burt
Child Protection Organizations:
The Army of Survivors
Champion Women
Equality League
Set The Expectation
Safety Advisors for Educational Campuses, LLC
Abuse Free Sport, North America
The Honorable Rosemarie Aquilina, presided over the Nassar sentencing
Child Protection Leaders:
Marci Hamilton, J.D.
Brenda Tracy
Michelle Simpson Tuegel, J.D.
Maddie Salamone, J.D.
S. Daniel Carter
Sport Leaders:
Andrew Zimbalist, Ph.D., Sport Economist, Professor
Daniel Marburger, Ph.D., Sport Economist, Professor
Mark Conrad, J.D. Professor
Jacqueline A. Brummer, J.D.
Myron Finkelstein, Graduate Professor, Global Sports Business
Dan Rascher, Ph.D., CVA, Sport Management Professor
Don Porter, former International Softball Federation
Becky Clark, Ph.D., CMPC,
Jeff Dimond, Executive in Olympic Movement
Becca Gillespy Peter
Rene Henry
Hia Sebastian
Steve Delsohn
Joan Stiedinger, Ph.D., CMPC
Mike Jacki, former ED of USA Gymnastics
25 Years at #1: Your best source of news about the Olympics is www.aroundtherings.com, for subscribers only
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