PyeongChang Olympics Bid Book Online

(ATR) The PyeongChang 2014 bid book is now online.



TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=5 align=right border=0>TBODY>TR>TD>TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=150 border=0>TBODY>TR>TD colSpan=2>IMG src="/_images/articles/OldStories/PC2014_article.JPG">/TD>/TR>TR>TD style="PADDING-RIGHT: 5px; PADDING-LEFT: 5px; PADDING-BOTTOM: 5px; PADDING-TOP: 5px">SPAN class=caption>B>/B>/SPAN>/TD>TD width=12> /TD>/TR>/TBODY>/TABLE>/TD>/TR>/TBODY>/TABLE>(ATR) The PyeongChang 2014 bid book is now online. The following press release summarizes the bid proposal:BR>BR>B>PyeongChang 2014 Bid Committee Publishes Candidature File/B>BR>BR>The 2014 PyeongChang Bid Committee has published its Candidature File on 12 January following the submission of the file to the International Olympic Committee. BR>BR>The Candidature File is the culmination of a year of work by experts in every aspect of the bid, including venues, transport, finance, Olympic Villages, the environment and many more. Comprising three volumes, the file covers the 17 themes designated by the International Olympic Committee and sets out in detail PyeongChang?s plans for hosting a successful Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. BR>BR>In preparing the Candidature File the PyeongChang Bid Committee has improved on the previous bid and learned from other cities that have successfully hosted the Games. BR>BR>Some key points from the Candidature File:BR>BR>B>Concept and venues/B>BR>BR>* Compact concept, with all venues within 30 minutes of PyeongChang BR>BR>* Two venue clusters, in PyeongChang and Gangneung, which are 37km apart and connected by train and multi-lane roads BR>BR>* The PyeongChang cluster will include venues for skiing events, biathlon, bobsleigh, skeleton and luge as well as the stadium for ceremonies, the IOC hotel, Olympic Village, Main Media Centre and Media Village BR>BR>* Gangneung will host skating disciplines, ice hockey, curling and a second Olympic Village BR>BR>* Six of the planned venues are already operating to top international standards. Work on a further three venues will go ahead regardless of the location of the host city and four will be constructed if PyeongChang is awarded the 2014 Games BR>BR>* Letters confirming approval of the venue plans by the relevant International Federations have been included with the Candidature File BR>BR>B>Transport/B>BR>BR>* 90% of the athletes will be able to reach their venues within 10 minutes from their Olympic Village BR>BR>* Work is underway on a new motorway to supplement the existing roads connecting the venues to Seoul and a rail line between the major city of Wonju and Gangneung is under construction, which will pass through PyeongChang BR>BR>B>PyeongChang's vision for the Games/B>BR>BR>B>Hub of winter sports/B>BR>BR>* PyeongChang aims to become the hub of winter sports in the region, providing opportunities for many of the three billion people in Asia to participate in winter sports BR>Construction began in October 2006 on the new Alpensia resort, which will provide outstanding new facilities and accommodation to be used not only for the Games but also for decades afterwards. Work on Alpensia is due to be completed in 2008 BR>BR>B>Dream Program, providing winter sport opportunities for young people from warm climates/B>BR>BR>* Honouring the commitment made during the 2010 bid, PyeongChang has welcomed 471 young people from 35 countries to Korea since 2004, providing opportunities to learn skiing and skating BR>BR>* The Bid Committee plans to expand this initiative substantially if the city is selected to host the 2014 Games BR>PyeongChang has announced its intention to host a ?World Youth Winter Sport Games? in 2015 and every four years thereafter, leaving an outstanding legacy for the next generation BR>BR>B>Peace and reconciliation, in accordance with Olympic ideals/B>BR>BR>* Hosting the Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games in PyeongChang would contribute to the promotion of peace and reconciliation on the Korean peninsular. The historic boundaries of Gangwon Province cut across the division between North and South Korea BR>BR>* In November 2006 Kim Jin-sun, Governor of Gangwon Province travelled to North Korea and signed an agreement with Mun Jae-dok, the President of the North Korean Olympic Committee, confirming North Korean support for the bid and co-operation in a number of areas, including the possible creation of a joint Korean team BR>BR>BR>B>Detailed plans for the Paralympic Winter Games/B>BR>BR>* PyeongChang has devised ?PrePara-X?, a comprehensive, fully integrated development plan for Paralympic Winter sport to run from 2007 to TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=5 align=left border=0>TBODY>TR>TD>TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=150 border=0>TBODY>TR>TD colSpan=2>IMG src="/_images/articles/OldStories/PyeongChangLausanne_article.JPG">/TD>/TR>TR>TD style="PADDING-RIGHT: 5px; PADDING-LEFT: 5px; PADDING-BOTTOM: 5px; PADDING-TOP: 5px">SPAN class=caption>B>The mayor of PyeongChang presents the 2014 bid book to the IOC's Gilbert Felli./B>/SPAN>/TD>TD width=12> /TD>/TR>/TBODY>/TABLE>/TD>/TR>/TBODY>/TABLE>2014 BR>BR>* Extensive promotion and training initiatives are planned to increase the awareness and appreciation of sport for people with disabilities BR>BR>B>Setting new standards for the Olympic and Paralympic Games/B>BR>BR>* World-leading information technology to enhance enjoyment of the Games BR>BR>* Publication of a ?New Green Plan? in time for the Evaluation Commission visit, to ensure environmentally-friendly Games BR>BR>BR>B>High levels of support/B>BR>BR>* The Candidature File includes letters guaranteeing full government support BR>BR>* In opinion polls over 90% of the citizens of South Korea support the bidBR>BR>B>Letters of support/B>BR>BR>* Submitted with the Candidature File were a number of supporting letters, including from Roh Moo-Hyun, President of the Republic of Korea, Kim Jin-sun, Governor of Gangwon Province, Jung-kil Kim, President of the Korean Olympic Committee, Mun Jae-dok, President of the North Korean Olympic Committee, Mayor of PyeongChang Kwon Hyeok-seung, Mayor of Gangneung, Choi Myong-hee and Mayor of Jeongsun, Yoo Chang-sik BR>BR>* Han Seung-soo, Chairman of the Bid Committee, writes in the conclusion about the aspirations of PyeongChangBR>BR>The Bid Committee is now distributing the Candidature File to Members of the International Olympic Committee, National Olympic Committees, International Federations and other individuals around the world. BR>BR>Having completed the Candidature File the Bid Committee is working hard to prepare for the International Olympic Committee Evaluation Commission visit in February. BR>BR>The Candidature File is available to download from the PyeongChang 2014 website:BR>BR> BR>BR>B>I>As a service to our readers, Around the Rings will provide verbatim texts of selected press releases issued by Olympic-related organizations, federations, businesses and sponsors.BR>BR>These press releases appear as sent to Around the Rings and are not edited for spelling, grammar or punctuation./B>/I>BR>BR>B>Your complete source of news about the Olympics is, for subscribers only./B>BR>



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