Oscar Pistorius Complies with Bail Conditions



The bail conditions of Oscar Pistorius do not specifically state that he has to report to Pretoria’s Brooklyn Police Station.

Pistorius met with officials at Correctional Services, to discuss visitation procedures.

A copy of the bail conditions, obtained from Chief Magistrate Desmond Nair’s office, shows the magistrate decreed in paragraph (h) that Pistorius, "shall be placed under and shall submit himself to the supervision of a probation officer and a correctional official from the date of release (the date his bail application was granted) until conclusion of his case subject to certain terms."

The bail conditions, under paragraph (h) state these conditions as follows:

The National Prosecuting Authority will facilitate the appointment of a probation officer and a correctional official The probation officer will provide weekly reports to the Prosecuting Authority and the accused’s defense team regarding the accused’s mental health and emotional state The accused shall, at his own cost, comply with all requests of the probation officer to consult with professional health care providers (This sub-paragraph was removed by Chief Magistrate Nair) The accused shall inform the correctional official of all his movements within the District of Pretoria prior to undertaking such journey The accused shall obtain permission from the correctional official prior to undertaking any journey outside the District of Pretoria The correctional official may request the accused to visit him or her at a designated place to clarify and/or co-ordinate any contemplated travel arrangements referred to in sub-paragraphs (v) and (vi) above The correctional official may visit the accused at any reasonable time, day or night, to ascertain the accused’s well-being and compliance with these conditions The accused shall provide the probation officer and correctional official with a cellular phone number and shall be available to be contacted at this number at any time during day or night.

According to Oscar’s uncle Arnold Pistorius, Oscar is free to move around within the Pretoria area, during the following days and times: 08h00-19h00 from Monday to Friday, 08h00-14h00 on Saturdays and 06h00 – 13h00.

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