McQuaid, Cookson Continue to Fight; Olympic Corruption Investigation

(ATR) Cycling rivals continue battle for presidency… IOC drafts Indian constitution… U.S. authorities ramping up Olympic corruption investigation…




UCI War of Words Latest

The rivals for the presidential election of UCI, cycling’s governing body, again exchanged dueling statements on Friday.

Incumbent Pat McQuaid started the spat telling Brian Cookson to "call off lawyers" and let the delegates decide the election.

At heart of the matter is a letter from Cookson claiming McQuaid was nominated by the Moroccan and Thai federations after the closing date for nominations.

McQuaid said he was "appalled" that British Cycling was challenging the validity of his nominations, and questioned if Cookson wanted an election at all.

"That is an outrageous suggestion. Brian must immediately make a statement on whether he believes that to be true and if he believes otherwise he has duty to ensure that this allegation is publicly withdrawn," said McQuaid in a statement.

"As the President of British Cycling, Brian Cookson must explain his decision to allow his federation - that is funding his campaign - to behave in this way and to use its considerable financial clout to employ lawyers to challenge issues in the election."

In response, Cookson said he is only trying to encourage transparency in the election.

"Sadly today we have seen yet another attempt by the existing UCI President, Pat McQuaid, to denigrate the current presidential election process," said Cookson in a statement.

"It is also true that I, and many in our sport, have legitimate and growing concerns about the rerospective rule bending and attempted manipulation that is taking place at present. In my view it is therefore absolutely correct that British Cycling and others have raised concerns regarding proposed rule changes which have a direct impact on the election process now under way. These concerns need to be addressed."

The election is scheduled for September 27 in Florence.

IOC Drafts New Constitution for India

What is likely the world’s most troubled NOC has received a new constitution.

Reports on Friday say the IOC sent a draft of a new constitution to officials with the Indian Olympic Association that bar anyone accused of corruption from holding office in the IOA.

The Press Tribune of India quotes the document saying "a member must... not face charges framed against him/her by any court in India, in respect of a criminal or corruption offence."

The IOA was suspended by the IOC in December of 2012, and has faced a host of governance issues since then. One of the requirements to lift the suspension is to adopt a new constitution.

One of the problems included the election of Lalit Bhanot as secretary general of the IOA. He faces corruption charges stemming from the 2010 Commonwealth Games in Delhi.

U.S. Regulators Investigate Olympic Corruption Allegations

Regulators in the United States are continuing their investigation into allegations of corruption from mining giant BHP Billiton during the Beijing Olympics.

The Australian company said on Friday it was notified recently by the U.S. Department of Justice and Securities and Exchange Commission that they would investigate certain "issues."

"The issues relate primarily to matters in connection with previously terminated exploration and development efforts, as well as hospitality provided as part of the Company’s sponsorship of the 2008 Beijing Olympics," BHP Billiton said in a statement.

Citing the ongoing nature of investigations, BHP Billiton declined to comment further on the case. However, the company said it "is fully committed to operating with integrity and the Group’s policies specifically prohibit engaging in unethical conduct. BHP Billiton has what it considers to be a world class anti-corruption compliance program."

Australian investigators are also looking in to allegations of corruption during the Games. The U.S. investigation began in 2010.

Written by Ed Hula III and Aaron Bauer.

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