ISA Welcomes SUP Exclusivity Ruling in Portugal

La Jolla, California, August 4, 2018 - The International Surfing Association (ISA) has today welcomed a ruling in Portugal that confirmed the Portuguese Surfing Federation (FPS) as the exclusive governing body of StandUp Paddle (SUP).

The ruling, made at the Portuguese Court of Arbitration for Sport, confirmed FPS as the only national federation with a remit to organise and authorise StandUp Paddle (SUP) events within Portugal.

As such, the Court declared that in recognising the FPS's exclusivity, the planned 2018 International Canoe Federation (ICF) StandUp Paddling World Championship was deemed illegal under Portuguese law.

Consequently, and per the ruling, the Portuguese Canoe Federation is prohibited from involving itself in the event, while national judges are forbidden and the event is unable to draw from public support granted by the Sports and Youth Councils of Esposende and Viana do Castelo.

The ruling comes as the ISA and ICF enter CAS Arbitration and reinforces the ISA's long-standing and historic governance of the sport of StandUp Paddle. In particular, the Court noted in its decision that the record clearly shows that the ICF has never organized any SUP World Championships, and that the ISA has organized every World SUP Championship in history.

The president of the Portuguese Surfing Federation, Joao Aranha said: "This is a decision that defends SUP, its history, and the competitions legally held by our National Federation, under the Portuguese government regulations. I believe this decision will also help the ISA's position in its dispute with the International Canoe Federation."

In discussing the ruling, ISA President Fernando Aguerre said:

"This news is important to the ISA as it, once more, reinforces our standing as the sole governing body for StandUp Paddle. Ultimately, the facts speak for themselves and that has been shown here. There can be no doubting the long history that StandUp Paddle has with Surfing, as both the SURF and RACING disciplines of SUP where created by surfers. It is encouraging to see that the Portuguese Court of Arbitration for Sport has recognised this intimate and historical relationship between surfing's International and National Federations since day one.

"In addition, the ruling further underlines the importance of exclusivity within world sport - an idea that is important to the Olympic Movement - and gives the ISA momentum as we continue to move through CAS Arbitration. With this ruling, we move one step closer to a resolution and ultimately, ensuring the athletes can be best served by a single governing body."


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La ISA Da la Bienvenida a la Exclusividad del SUP en Portugal

La Jolla, California, 4 de agosto, 2018 - La International Surfing Association (ISA) ha dado hoy la bienvenida al fallo legal en Portugal que confirma a la Federación Portuguesa de Surf (FPS) como la entidad gobernante del StandUp Paddle (SUP).

El fallo, dado por el Tribunal de Arbitraje del Deporte de Portugal, confirma a la FPS como la única federación nacional con autoridad para organizar y autorizar eventos de StandUp Paddle dentro de Portugal.

Como tal, la corte ha declarado que en reconocimiento de la exclusividad de la FPS, el Campeonato Mundial de StandUp Paddle de la Federación Internacional de Canotaje (ICF en inglés) es considerado ilegal según la ley portuguesa.

Consecuentemente, y de acuerdo al fallo, la Federación Portuguesa de Canoa tiene prohibido involucrarse en el evento, mientras que los jueces nacionales están prohibidos y el evento no puede obtener el apoyo público otorgado por los Consejos de Deporte y Juventud de Esposende y Viana do Castelo.

Este fallo llega en el momento que la ISA y la ICF entran al Arbitraje del TAS (Tribunal Arbitral del Deporte) y refuerza la gobernanza de larga trayectoria e histórica de la ISA sobre el deporte de StandUp Paddle. En particular, el Tribunal apuntó en su decisión que los registros indican claramente que la ICF nunca ha organizado ningún Campeonato Mundial de SUP y que la ISA ha organizado todos los Campeonatos Mundiales de SUP en la historia.

El Presidente de la Federación Portuguesa de Surfing, Joao Aranha dijo: "Esta es una decisión que defiende al SUP, su historia y las competencias realizadas legalmente por nuestra Federación Nacional, bajo las regulaciones gubernamentales de Portugal. Creo que esta decisión también ayudará a la posición de la ISA en su disputa con la Federación Internacional de Canotaje".

Discutiendo el fallo, el Presidente de la ISA Fernando Aguerre dijo:

"Esta noticia es importante para la ISA ya que, una vez más, refuerza nuestra posición como la única entidad gobernante del StandUp Paddle. En última instancia, los hechos hablan por si mismos y eso ha sido demostrado aquí. No puede haber duda de la larga historia que el StandUp Paddle tiene con el Surfing, porque tanto las disciplinas de SUP de SURF y de CARRERAS fueron creadas por surfers. Es alentador ver que el Tribunal de Arbitraje del Deporte portugués ha reconocido esta íntima e histórica relación entre la Federación Internacional y las Nacionales desde el primer día.

"Adicionalmente, el fallo sobresalta más la importancia de exclusividad dentro del mundo del deporte - una idea que es importante para el Movimiento Olímpico - y da a la ISA impulso conforme atravesamos el Arbitraje del TAS. Con este fallo estamos un paso más cerca de una resolución y ultimadamente, asegurar a los atletas que pueden ser mejor atendidos con una sola entidad gobernante".


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About the International Surfing Association

The International Surfing Association (ISA), founded in 1964, is recognized by the International Olympic Committee as the World Governing Authority for Surfing. The ISA governs and defines Surfing as Shortboard, Longboard & Bodyboarding, StandUp Paddle (SUP) Racing and Surfing, Bodysurfing, Wakesurfing, and all other wave riding activities on any type of waves, and on flat water using wave riding equipment. The ISA crowned its first Men's and Women's World Champions in 1964. It crowned the first Big Wave World Champion in 1965; World Junior Champion in 1980; World Kneeboard Champions in 1982; World Longboard Surfing and World Bodyboard Champions in 1988; World Tandem Surfing Champions in 2006; World Masters Champions in 2007; and World StandUp Paddle (SUP, both surfing and racing) and Paddleboard Champions in 2012.

ISA membership includes the surfing National Governing Bodies of 104 countries on five continents. Its headquarters are located in La Jolla, California. It is presided over by Fernando Aguerre (Argentina), first elected President in 1994 in Rio de Janeiro. The ISA's four Vice-Presidents are Karín Sierralta (PER), Kirsty Coventry (ZIM), Casper Steinfath (DEN) and Barbara Kendall (NZL).

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