EURO2020 Dressed Up for a Genuine Celebration of Football in Denmark

The UEFA European Championship 2020 will be a true celebration of football in Denmark.

The UEFA European Championship 2020 will be a true celebration of football in Denmark. During a great kick off-event today, UEFA revealed the graphic outlines for all thirteen host cities connecting players, teams, spectators and nations with multi-coloured themes and figures.

When the UEFA European Championship takes place in 2020, it will celebrate its 60th anniversary. That requires no less than thirteen host cities, among which Copenhagen will host three group matches and a round of 16 match. In order to present the visual outline of the championship, UEFA has undertaken a road tour paying visits to the host cities, and today Copenhagen was up next.

In the remarkable rooms of the Royal Library in Copenhagen, The Black Diamond, the many guests were presented to the playful and vibrant colours, shapes and bridges of the thirteen host cities. A bridge will, naturally, be the symbol of the EURO2020. The Copenhagen bid to this theme is the brand new Circle Bridge created by Danish-Icelandic artist Olafur Eliasson. The bridge is already a different and innovative meeting spot – just like European football.

The City of Copenhagen and the Danish Football Association join each other as partners on the event. Not only do they wish to stage a top class event, they also want to kick off a national football party putting the strengths of sport, culture and business life of Copenhagen and the Capital Region on display for international attention. The branding of Denmark as a sport event nation and destination lies at the heart of the partners’ ambition.

Also partnering the event from now to championship kick-off are the City of Copenhagen, Wonderful Copenhagen, Sport Event Denmark and other stakeholders and collaborators. Together they ensure that EURO2020 will be a unique experience for citizens, visitors and spectators.


Allan Hansen, member, Executive Committee, UEFA

- To me it is unique that UEFA choose 13 host cities and in this way, actually use the event to show case what football can: Unite nations and fans. That is also, why the bridge in the logo is such a fantastic choice.

Danish Football Association, president Jesper Møller

- The EURO2020 will be an absolute football party here in Denmark, where children and grown-ups, fans and volunteers take part. It is our utmost ambition in collaboration with every partner to give Denmark four fantastic matches and football experiences showing how the sport brings everyone together.

City of Copenhagen, Lord Mayor Frank Jensen

- When one of the biggest sporting events in the world arrives in Copenhagen, the EURO2020 will bring everyone together. That’s why Copenhagen is a fit arena for a strong community, a football party and last but not least, a benefit for the Danish football clubs, business life and every sports fan out there.

Sport Event Denmark, CEO Lars Lundov

- In Denmark we work in a triangle of event partnerships, bringing together the forces of the hosting city, the federation and Sport Event Denmark. In that way, we represent all of Denmark. At the EURO2020 we gather all partners to make it a football party across the nation.

City of Copenhagen, Mayor of Culture and Leisure, Carl Christian Ebbesen

- The EURO2020 will make all Copenhageners take part in the epic football celebration. Even when the stars have left, we want the citizens to feel the vibe. It is our ambition in hosting EURO2020 to strengthen and develop the football scene of the capital and support football associations.

Wonderful Copenhagen, CEO Mikkel Aarø-Hansen

- This UEFA European Championship will manifest the position of Copenhagen as a major sport city. On top of that, we can’t wait to welcome all spectators and officials travelling to Copenhagen and to offer a better understanding of the capital and the larger region that we call Greater Copenhagen.

The Chairman of the Regional Council, The Capital Region of Denmark, Sophie Hæstorp Andersen

- Millions of people throughout Europe will watch the stars enter the EURO2020 football field here in Greater Copenhagen. This puts us on the map, and hopefully, because of that, people will want to either travel here or consider the larger region of Greater Copenhagen as a new place for their business. For that reason, I am very happy to see the EURO2020 here with us. It is our great ambition to attract international sporting events which in the long run create both jobs for citizens in the capital and overall growth.


EURO2020, 13 hosting cities, 24 teams.

To host the championship does not guarantee a qualifying spot in the tournament for the country.

England: London (semi-final and final)

Germany: Munich

Azerbaijan: Baku

Russia: Saint Petersburg

Italy: Rome

Denmark: Copenhagen

Romania: Bucharest

The Netherlands: Amsterdam

Ireland: Dublin

Spain: Bilbao

Hungary: Budapest

Belgium: Brussels

Scotland: Glasgow

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Eline Andersen

Senior Communication Manager

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