City of Pozna appoints Impact34 to assist with the 2018 Youth Olympic Bid



The city of Poznań has chosen leading sports marketing agency Impact34, part of Porta Communications Plc, to assist with the city's bid for the 2018 Youth Olympics. With offices in Istanbul and London Impact34 offers expert advice within the sports and entertainment industry.

Poznań was one of the host cities for the successful UEFA EURO 2012 and has hosted several major international events featuring Olympic discipline sports. These include the 2009 FISA World Rowing Championships and the ICF Canoe World Sprint Championships in 2010.

Previously Poznań made a bid for the 2014 Youth Olympics, and narrowly lost out to Nanjing with an innovative bid that was widely praised by IOC members. Poznań and the Polish Olympic Committee are determined to continue the sporting legacy and prove their commitment to the Olympic Movement with a second bid for the prestigious 2018 Youth Olympics.

Impact34 CEO, Bettina Kuperman commented; "We are delighted to have been chosen by Poznań to help deliver their 2018 Youth Olympic bid to the IOC. We have seen the great development of the city in the last few years. The success from hosting major events such as the UEFA EURO 2012 has shown the world that Poznań and Poland can stage and deliver world class major events. The city is committed to developing sport and hosting major international events. Poznań offers great sporting and transport infrastructure and by hosting this great event Poland would also confirm its well deserved place in Olympic history."

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