Bidding for 2020 -- Tree-Inspired Logo for Doha; Turkish Economic Growth; Baku Scores Points;Artists Back Rome

(ATR) Doha 2020 unveils logo, website... Turkish growth boosts Istanbul, bid claims... Baku awarded gymnastics champs; wrestlers honored...Artists urge support for Rome 2020... The latest 2020 bidding news inside. 




"Big Tree" Inspires Doha

The new logo for Doha 2020 draws inspiration from the Arabic word for Doha: "ad-dawha" which literally means "the big tree."

The bid unveiled the logo and its slogan: "Inspiring Change." At a ceremony in Doha Friday.

The bid said in a statement, that the tree is referenced in Arabic poetry as a "place of generosity and nurturing."

"Together this formed the creative seed for the logo as it captured the essence of what modern Doha is today - a city for all to experience, to learn in and a place of nurturing."

"Our logo and slogan reflect the uniqueness of Doha as a city and the legacies that would be achieved if the Games were to come to the Arab world for the first time," Doha 2020 vice chair Sheikha Al Mayassa bint Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani said.

"We want to inspire more people across the region to play sport - in particular girls and women – and to embrace the values of Olympism. Doha 2020 is an historic opportunity to grow the Olympic Movement in a new region at a crucial moment in its history. Should Doha succeed, or fail – our legacy for sports development and subsequent benefits are already being planted."

Noora al Mannai, Doha 2020 CEO, said it was selected to show Qatar’s new role in the Arabic world.

"Inspiring Change was developed to reflect Qatar’s position at the heart of a region experiencing change, our nation’s economic strength, vision, and generosity of spirit, and the belief that Olympic sport can change lives in a very positive way," she said.

"Doha 2020 wants to align those qualities with the ‘stardust’ and inspiration of the Olympic and Paralympic Games. Together this offers the opportunity to nurture and inspire positive and lasting legacy in Qatar and the wider region through sport, education and culture. Our slogan seeks to capture all of this potential."

The bid also unveiled the first part of its website,

Istanbul: Turkish Economic Growth Boosts Bid

Turkey’s economy grew by more than 8% in 2011, which Istanbul 2020 says serves as "a timely reminder" of the bid’s strength.

A report for the International Monetary Fund shows the country’s economy grew by 8.3% in 2011, and the Turkish Statistical Institute found a similar growth rate for the year as well.

"Istanbul 2020 welcomes these new sets of data," said Hasan Arat, a leading member of Istanbul 2020 and Turkish businessman. "They prove what we have been saying quietly and confidently for several years now: that Turkey is building a strong, stable and sustainable new economic model. Turkey has an economy that will comfortably support an inspirational Olympic and Paralympic Games in 2020, that will in turn provide further stimulus for continued economic development."

Ugur Erdener, IOC member and President of the Turkish National Olympic Committee echoed Arat’s sentiments.

"In these troubled economic times, it is important for the Olympic Movement to look carefully at large and populous emerging nations, such as Turkey, which have a robust and resilient economy capable of supporting a world-class Olympic and Paralympic Games," he said. "I believe that Turkey has an economy that offers the Olympic Movement a very bright and exciting future."

Double Score for Baku

Baku is touting two announcements as positives for the city’s bid for the 2020 Olympics.

On Thursday, the European Union of Gymnastics announced Baku will host the 2014 European Gymnastics Championships.

The news came shortly after FILA, the international wrestling federation, announced that Azeri wrestlers Sharif Sharifov and Mariya Stadnik were named to the federation’s "Best Wrestlers of 2011" list. Sharifov earned Best Freestyle honors for winning a gold medal in the World Championships and a bronze in the European Championships, while Stadnik took the Best Female Wrestler title for her gold in the European Cup and silver in the World Cup.

"This is a fantastic endorsement for Azeri sports" said Chingiz Huseynzada, Vice-President of the Azerbaijan National Olympic Committee.

"The confidence that the European Union of Gymnastics has put in Baku as a host city shows we are ready and able to host major international sports events."

He added: "I also send my congratulations to Sharif and Mariya, two amazing athletes. Being named best in the world is a fantastic achievement and this accolade is a major boost for Azeri sport in general, as well as for our Bid to host the 2020 Olympic Games. Azerbaijan has a true sporting pedigree and I believe we are on track to join the top tier of sports nations. I am convinced that these two announcements will further inspire our many young men and women to develop even more their passion for sports."

Artists Join Monti Appeal

Forty Italian artists are the latest constituency to appeal to Prime Minister Mario Monti to support Rome 2020.

Earlier in the week, athletes and businessmen called on Monti to approve the bid. He has expressed reservation about doing so, in light of the ongoing sovereign debt crisis in Italy.

"The cultural community would like to join the athletes in asking (you) to strongly support Rome's bid for the 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games," the artists said in a letter to the PM.

"The Olympic Games are not only a major sporting event, but also a unique opportunity to promote a country's cultural and artistic riches to the world. This is especially true for Italy who has for centuries been on the top of the medal table in this discipline. Rome 2020 would be an unforgettable opportunity to exchange and bring together different languages, traditions and expressive forms in a way to relaunch our global image.

"Bidding for the Olympic Games is a sign of confidence in ourselves, in our young people and the ability for Italy to get movingagain, also thanks to our creativity," the letter continued. "Precisely because this is not just some unattainable dream that we all, including the Government, have to how that we still have desire to soar to great heights."

Among the signatories to the letter were Oscar winnersGiuseppe Tornatore and Ennio Morricone, actress Monica Belluci and others.

Written by Ed Hula III.

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