ATR First: New PanamSports Website Makes Debut at ANOC

(ATR) PanamSports leaders will hear updates on organization's revitalization efforts at general assembly in Prague.




(ATR) Leaders of the continental association of the Americas will gather at the conclusion of the Association of National Olympic Committees General Assembly on Nov. 4 for a progress report on the revitalization efforts of the organization.

Led by new IOC member Neven Ilic, the Pan American Sports Organization – now known as PanamSports – set out to revamp its image and modernize its products and processes following a Best Practices Symposium in Miami in June. The election of the youthful Ilic as president in April marked a sea change in the organization after more than a year of constitution revisions.

At the Miami symposium in June, the new PanamSports leadership promised to "present a new vision and a new image" of the organization to sponsors and other stakeholders in the Olympic Movement.

Around the Rings is told the first fruits of this labor will be detailed at the PanamSports General Assembly on Nov. 4 in Prague, Czech Republic as the marketing commission will reveal the redesigned PanamSports website. The former PASO website has not been updated since before Ilic's election in Uruguay in April.

The leaders of PanamSports’ 41 National Olympic Committees will also hear presentations from Pan American Games organizing committees of Lima 2019 and Santiago 2023.

Increased scrutiny has been placed on organizers of Lima 2019 given delays in construction projects such as the Pan American Village. Construction on the athletes’ village began in September during the IOC Session and many tenders remain open for the remaining venue projects necessary to host the Pan Ams.

The increased pressure to prepare for the Lima 2019 Pan Ams caused PanamSports leaders to move their planned General Assembly in Lima to Pragueon the heels of the ANOC General Assembly next week.

ATR is also told that work on auxiliary PanamSports offices in Miami is nearly complete with an official opening likely expected shortly after the ANOC General Assembly. PanamSports headquarters will remain in Mexico City.

Ilic will provide updates on all of these efforts and his work in the first six months of his presidency of the organization during the annual NOC meeting in Prague.

Written by Kevin Nutley

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