ATR Extra - Weathering the Storm

A perfect storm threatens sport at every level ... Victor Bergonzoli of shares some opportunities in this edition of ATR Extra.

A perfect storm of Cs is threatening sports at every level.

The 3Cs currently putting sports around the world at risk are: Cost. Coaching. And ... Covid.

• Costs to play, even in well-to-do countries like the USA are developing a haves and have-not culture in sports as travel, facility and instruction costs soar.

• Coaching and the personal economics of qualified instructors are understandable contributors to the skyrocketing pay-to-play barriers to sports’ inclusivity.

• COVID 19 has been a stomach punch to sports and the belly bumping, huddle-up, in-your-face days of play may render some games virtually defunct, at least for the present.

We, at SportSEdTV, believe our free, unlimited, world class, online, sports video instruction can go a long way toward curing a couple of those 3C culprits.

But, we need your help.

Right now, millions of athletes, coaches and parents visit SportsEdTV every month.

When you consider that around the world more than two and billion people participate in sports, attempting to reach them all feels like trying to empty the ocean with a thimble.

How many of those sportswomen and men are in situations where cost and access to top shelf coaching - either economically, geographically or socially - affect their ability and desire to play?

Even in prosperity, USA sports participation by kids dropped nearly 50 percent in 10 years according to the Sports & Fitness Association. Further, a recent survey of the Aspen Institute and Utah State University says the average child today spends less than three years playing a sport and quits by age 11.

HBO took the cost subject deep with this report.

At the risk of politicizing the subject, we asked if it was governments’ job to help. After all, the responsibility of government is to protect, provide and invest for the benefit of everyone governed.

Though we’re admittedly a bit squeamish to dip our toes in those volatile waters, the next level of potential are the hundreds of National Governing Bodies of Sports.

Again, the USA model inspires SportsEdTV to offer a solution, because the United States Olympic and Paralympic Committee’s stated Global Purpose is to join peers in building a better inclusive world through sport. That is cooking in our kitchen.

When Webster defines inclusion as "including everyone, especially allowing and accommodating the people who have historically been excluded" it fits our free, unlimited, world class instruction promise.

Take a look at these samples of world class instruction any athlete, coach or parent, anywhere and anytime can freely access with SportsEdTV:

- Basketball: See NBA All-Star Tim Hardaway teach his world famous cross-over dribble here.

- Soccer: See Premier League former star Roy Wegerle lead a series of fundamental videos here.

- Tennis: John Eagleton leads a cadre of renowned tennis coaches in this dynamic instructional series.

- Weightlifting: Gain insightful tips from our expert Olympic weightlifting coaches

SportsEdTV’s contributors populate a deep list of highly credentialed players, scientists, coaches, authors and physicians providing advice, theory, drills, and strategies, to be found in one place.

Visit SportsEdTV’s growing coaching consortia which collects in one location a bank of sports wisdom likely unavailable anywhere.

Here’s our ask:

If you know or are part of a Sports National Governing Body or International Sports Federation, please tell your audience that we’re here. We’re free, unlimited and global. And we’re good sports.

Oh, yeah, one tiny tell about an opportunity:

There may be an instance where your NGB or Federation could partner with SportsEdTV for specific content creation.

For more info contact us here.

Victor Bergonzoli is the CEO, a sports education media company.