Another Exec Quits Rio Olympics

(ATR) A top executive leaves Rio 2016, the second major loss in four months. ATR’s Ed Hula reports…




(ATR)Rio 2016 confirms the resignation of Chief Operating Officer Roderlei Generali after just one year on the job.

Communications Director Carlos Villanova tells ATR that Generali left to pursue "other professional interests".

Generali leaves Rio 2016 a month before the London Olympics, where he was to have been one of the key participants in the observer program for Rio at the London Games.

According to the job description on the Rio 2016 website, Generali was responsible for "directing the planning and execution of activities in infrastructure, transport, technology, planning and control services of the various sports and non-sports venues, ensuring compliance with technical requirements of sports and needs of the Olympic and Paralympic Games in 2016."

While this would seem to be a large swath of duties to lose so close to London, Villanova says Rio 2016 will manage.

"The observers program in London is bigger than a single contribution, although an important one," says the media chief.

The IOC, including Rio 2016 Coordination Commission chair Nawal El Moutawakel, were not available for immediate comment.

Sources suggest the IOC is growing uncomfortable with this latest executive departure at Rio 2016.

In February, chief commercial officer Flavio Pestana quit for "personal reasons" just a few months after his U.S. predecessor Maggie Sanchez was fired along with key deputies. Pestana lasted for justone month on the job.

With marketing activities for Rio 2016 about to kick into high gear, Pestana’s post has not been filled.

Along with the vacancy created by Generali’s resignation, two of the three posts reporting to CEO Leo Gryner are now open. Chief Financial Officer Fernando Nobrega is the one who remains.

There’s been no official notice of Generali’s departure by Rio 2016, which has so far escaped the attention of the media in Rio de Janeiro.

Written and reported by Ed Hula

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