Swiss Olympic Project 2026: first milestone comes to a close with conclusion of first two successful seminars for bidding projects

The nomination process for a Swiss bid for the 2026 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games, headed by Swiss Olympic (the National Olympic Committee in Switzerland) passed its first milestone last Wednesday when it facilitated a second seminar with the five participating bidding projects.


The nomination process for a Swiss bid for the 2026Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games, headed by Swiss Olympic (the National Olympic Committeein Switzerland) passed its first milestone last Wednesday when it facilitated a second seminar withthe five participating bidding projects. Each project now has until December 15, 2016 to finalize itsproject. In the meantime, two more seminars will be held to assist the bidders in their work.

Following the first seminar which highlighted the theme "National and International visions for a Swiss Olympicand Paralympic Winter Games", this second seminar with the bidding projectss focused on the organization of theGames themselves, with the study of the IOC’s latest recommendations for Olympic Games bidders.

At the end of the meeting, Jörg Schild, President of Swiss Olympic, said: "Today, the IOC no longer imposes strictstandards or minimum requirements. The IOC is now much more flexible in its approach to evaluating an OlympicGames bid, which is one of the concrete effects of the Olympic Agenda 2020. It is this flexibility that makes a

Swiss bid possible, because now we can propose a concept which makes real sense for our country while at the

same time remaining very competitive on the international stage. Finding the best way to balance both interests

is fundamental, and this was at the heart of our discussions today."

Each seminar held by Swiss Olympic has featured Olympic specialists from around the world, including former

bidders and organizers of Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games who have all shared their expertise with the

participants. This experience was invaluable for the five projects enrolled in the process. They now have the big

picture in mind as they continue to develop their bids. These bids should not only have a strong positive impact in

Switzerland, but for the Olympic Movement in general.

A notable international expert who spoke to the Swiss bids was Mr Michael Payne, former IOC Marketing Director

and today one of the most renowned Olympic and global marketing consultants in the world. He said: «I want to

sincerely congratulate Swiss Olympic for this innovative process which approach is new in the Olympic world. The

fact that an important winter sports nation in the heart of Europe can produce interest from 5 separate regions,

and engage in an open and constructive dialogue about the positive impact that the Games can have on an

economy and on a society, is proof that the Olympic Movement is in very good health. I hope that other countries

will get inspiration from this process and I wish the best of luck to Switzerland for 2026.»

The bidding projects have now received the guidelines they need to develop a document explaining their vision

and their plans for a Swiss Olympic and Paralympic Games in 2026. These guidelines are available online on SwissOlympic’s website (see address in the attachement below) and the final documents will have to be handed overto Swiss Olympic latest on December 15, 2016. Until then, two more seminars will be held, on September 7 at

Swiss Olympic and in October, when Swiss Olympic will go to each region to discuss and answer any final


For more information, please contact:

Alexander Waefler

Head of Media and Information

Mobile: +41 31 359 72 16


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