Statement from Joel Bouzou, President of World Olympians Association and President and founder of Peace and Sport

It was with profound sorrow that I learnt of the tragic helicopter crash yesterday which claimed the lives of three of France’s sport icons, swimmer Camille Muffat, 25, sailor Florence Arthaud, 57, and boxer Alexis Vastine, 28.



It was with profound sorrow that I learnt of the tragic helicopter crash yesterday which claimed the lives of three of France’s sport icons, swimmer Camille Muffat, 25, sailor Florence Arthaud, 57, and boxer Alexis Vastine, 28.

Two of them were Olympians. All three of them, just like all athletes around the world, embodied the values of peace. Each of them has moved us, thrilled us and made us proud. They have filled our hearts with emotion. Beyond their sporting performances, they were committed to giving back to society what sport had given them.

We will never forget the youthful vitality of Camille Muffat, 400m freestyle Champion at the London Olympics, the accomplishments of Florence Arthaud, winner of the 1990 Route du Rhum transatlantic race, and the passion of Alexis Vastine, Beijing Bronze Medallist who was looking to win Gold in Rio.

The entire sports community mourns this great loss. Along with the teams of the World Olympians Association and Peace and Sport, our thoughts are with the families and loved ones of the victims.

Joël Bouzou

President of World Olympians Association

President and founder of Peace and Sport

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