Rome 2024 Promises Transparency in Olympic Mission

(ATR) Italian legal supremos are appointed to the Rome board of trustees to oversee the 2024 bid.




(ATR) Italian legal supremos are appointed to the Rome board of trustees to oversee the 2024 bid.

"The committee will be responsible for ensuring Rome's bid meets the highest international standards of transparency, operating and contractual procedures," said a bid statement Tuesday.

"It will also ensure the bid is fully compliant with the International Olympic Committee's rules and regulations."

Rome 2024 said the initiative aimed "to leave a lasting legacy by setting a new benchmark for administrative standards that will be applicable to other opportunities and events in the future".

Five of the most senior figures in the Italian legal establishment are on the committee.

They are: Raffaele Squitieri, president of the Court of Auditors; Enzo Moavero Milanesi, former minister for European affairs; Giorgio Santacroce, first president of the Supreme Court; lawyer Livia Pomodoro, former president of the Court of Milan; and Giovanni Legnini, vice president of the High Council of Judges and Prosecutors.

The committee met for the first time on Monday with CONI president Giovanni Malagò, Rome 2024 chief Luca di Montezemolo, vice president Luca Pancalli and director general Diana Bianchedi.

Written by Mark Bisson

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