Norwegian Politician Calls for 2022 Olympic Games Boycott

(ATR) A Norwegian politician thinks that a boycott of the 2022 Olympics will send a message to the IOC.




(ATR) A Norwegian politician thinks that an Olympic boycott is in order.

Per Olaf Lundteigen, a member of Norway’s parliamentary cabinet, told The Local on Friday that the country should bypass participation in the 2022 Olympic Games in protest of the IOC’s need to reform.

"I think we should consider boycotting the Winter Olympics ahead, in order to get rid of the tyranny that is the IOC," Lundteigen told reporters.

"We must simply take responsibility to stop the tyranny. It doesn't belong to our era."

He added that he is disappointed by the IOC’s demands to potential host cities and doesn’t believe declining to host the 2022 games sends a strong enough message to the IOC.

On Wednesday, Norway’s ruling conservative party said they would not support the Oslo 2022 bid, ending the city’s campaign.

"A big project like this, which is so expensive, requires broad popular support, and there isn't enough support for it," Erna Solberg, Norway's Prime Minister, told BBC.

"We've received clear advice, and there is no reason not to follow the advice."

The Olso 2022 bid committee has not offered an official response on the matter.

The two cities still in contention to host the 2022 Olympic Games are Almaty, Kazakhstan and Beijing.

Written by Andrew Murrell

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