Mark Arbib Elected to the AOC Executive

The Hon Mark Arbib is joining the Executive of the Australian Olympic Committee (AOC). 


The Hon Mark Arbib, a former Senator and Federal Minister for Sport and the current President of Athletics Australia, is joining the Executive of the Australian Olympic Committee (AOC)

Mark’s election follows the retirement of Vice President Peter Montgomery in September and subsequent election of Ian Chesterman as an AOC Vice President.

Mark fills the vacancy caused by Ian Chesterman’s elevation to VP.

There were three other candidates, experienced Company Director and Board member of Football Federation Australia, Cheryl Bart; three times Olympic gold medallist andmotivation and leadership business consultant, Rechelle Hawkes; and, two times Olympic gold medallist and Equestrian Australia Board member, Gillian Rolton.

"It's an honour to be elected as a representative on the AOC Executive. As a former Federal Sports Minister, I have had a long association with the AOC, it's an outstanding organisation that works hard for Australian sport. I look forward to working with President John Coates,

the other members of the Executive and management team for the betterment of our athletes, coaches and the sports community." Arbib said.

The President of the AOC, John Coates, said "I welcome Mark as President of the Australiannational federation of athletics - the sport at the core of the Olympic Games, including with most events and athletes.

"He knows us as a former Minister for Sport and will be a great help in Canberra.

"Importantly he understands the needs of athletes at both the elite and grassroots levels of


In Parliament Mark held a number of portfolios in addition to sport, including IndigenousEmployment and Social Housing and Assistant Treasurer.

Currently, he is the Director of Business Development & Corporate Affairs, for Consolidated Press Holdings Pty Ltd. He is also a Board Member of the Packer Family Foundation and the South Sydney Football Club.

"Mark is passionate about sport and the sporting community through his running and the involvement of his two daughters in Little Athletics. He has also competed in Ironman events, is a patrol member with the Bronte Surf Life Saving Club and contributes to the

Bronte nippers by teaching water safety to the young kids.

Only recently he completed the Sydney Half Marathon in 83 minutes 53 seconds which placed him 104th out of 9000.

Mark is very familiar with the workings of the Olympic Movement. During his time as Minister for Sport from 2009 – 2011 he travelled to Lausanne to participate in an IOC forum on illegal betting in sport.

He presented to a group including Interpol, and other agencies, on what Australia was doingto combat illegal and irregular sports betting. Mark was also instrumental in securing the support of the Australian State and Territory Governments to the National Policy on Match

Fixing, established at a National Council meeting of Sports & Recreation Ministers in February 2011. The policy established uniform laws and definitions to fight match fixing and the establishment of Integrity Agreements, between sports and betting agencies.

He was and remains a determined opponent of the use of performance enhancing drugs insport. These are two of the biggest issues facing the Olympic Movement and having a seat in the AOC Boardroom will enable him to carry on the fight against illegal betting and doping.

Mark was instrumental in securing the $12m in Government funding to establish the AIS’s European Training Facility at Varese, Italy which provides state of the art facilities to many Olympic sports and elite athletes training and competing in Europe. The ETC offers the latest in sports science, sports medicine, weight training, recovery and on site accommodation." Coates said.

After leaving politics, Mark conducted a major review into the Australian Rugby Union’s (ARU) corporate governance. The recommendations contained in Strengthening the Governance of Australian Rugby (the Arbib Review), were endorsed in full by the Board of ARU in October 2012. On 10 December 2012, the ARU's State and Territory Member Unions voted in favour of a new constitution adopting Arbib's recommendations. The changes from the Arbib Review established an Independent Board of Directors and reformed

the Membership of the ARU to better reflect the Rugby Union community across Australia,both amateur and professional.

For more information, please contact:

Julie Dunstan

Senior Manager Media

Australian Olympic Committee

Tel: +61 2 8436 2145 / Mobile: +61 419 712 013


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