Exclusive - Rome 2024 Splits with British PR Company

(ATR) Rome 2024 parts with Milltown Partners only six months after signing international PR contract. Mark Bisson reports

Luca Cordero di Montezemolo, Rome's bid chairman for the 2024 Olympics poses after the unveil ceremony of the Rome's logo on December 14, 2015. 
Budapest, Los Angeles, Paris and Rome are in the race to host the summer Olympics Games 2024. The International Olympic Committee will make a decision in mid-2017. / AFP / GABRIEL BOUYS        (Photo credit should read GABRIEL BOUYS/AFP/Getty Images)
Luca Cordero di Montezemolo, Rome's bid chairman for the 2024 Olympics poses after the unveil ceremony of the Rome's logo on December 14, 2015. Budapest, Los Angeles, Paris and Rome are in the race to host the summer Olympics Games 2024. The International Olympic Committee will make a decision in mid-2017. / AFP / GABRIEL BOUYS (Photo credit should read GABRIEL BOUYS/AFP/Getty Images)

(ATR) Around the Rings has learned that Rome 2024 has split with Milltown Partners only six months after signing a contract with the British PR company.

"Milltown Partners is no longer working for Rome 2024," the bid'sdirector of communications Fabio Guadagninitells ATR. He said termination of the contract with the London-based firm was "mutually agreed".

Milltown was brought in last June to manage Rome'sinternational relations in the two-year bidding contest.

ATR understands that Rome 2024 split with London-based Milltown because director David Bond, who had taken a lead role advising the Italian bid, is leaving the consultancy in the coming months to return to journalism. Bond is a former BBC sports editor.

Bond had worked closely with Rome 2024 president Luca Cordero Di Montezemolo and the communications team led by Guadagnini to promote the bid internationally.

Milltown’s contract with Rome 2024 was its first foray into the Olympic bid world. The agency was founded in 2013 by Patrick Harverson, the former director of communications at Manchester United and Prince of Wales's PR supremo, and ex-Google executive D-J Collins.

Bond, a former Daily Telegraph sports editor, played a key role in landing Rome 2024 as a client thanks to his knowledge of global sports media. ATR understands the initial PR contract expired this month. While there was a desire to extend it, Bond’s departure from Milltown triggered a parting of ways.

"Rome 2024's contract with Milltown Partners for the first phase of international communications work ended at the beginning of January," Guadagnini told ATR."It was unfortunate because until then the committee had been very satisfied with the services provided by the company," he added.

"We want to thank the team at Milltown Partners for their work supporting us over the last few months and wish them all the best for the future."

Rome 2024 is currently in the process of finalizing new PR contracts.

Guadagnini said the bid is "exploring many options" and wants to announce a new PR communications team before the Feb. 17 deadline for the first bid book submission to the IOC.

The Rome PR news means both the Italian and Budapest bids are currently seeking agencies to handle their international communications.Jon Tibbs Associates manages PR for Los Angeles, while Mike Lee’s VERO Communications has a contract with Paris 2024.

Reported by Mark Bisson

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