EOC agrees on Olympic Solidarity distribution, reschedules fall GA


25 August 2020

The Executive Committee of the European Olympic Committees (EOC) recently implemented a number of decisions aimed at shoring up the Olympic Movement in Europe during the unprecedented times brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The EOC became the first continental Olympic association to approve the distribution of funds to aid National Olympic Committees (NOCs) struggling with the postponement of competitions, in particular the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 to 2021. The funds, supplied by the Association of National Olympic Committees (ANOC) through Olympic Solidarity, will be distributed soon.

To ensure maximum transparency, the EOC sent a questionnaire to all 50 European NOCs designed to produce the clearest possible picture of their current financial situations. A comprehensive assessment metric was then used to determine the amount of funding each ENOC would receive.

The ExCo also agreed to shift its next General Assembly, originally scheduled to take place from 30-31 October in Istanbul, to 27 November in Rome. The General Assembly will be asked to vote on a possible change to the EOC Articles of Association and approve the 2019 financial statements and 2021 budget.

The Executive Committee reiterated the need for the EOC to strengthen its role and voice during the current crisis, which has resulted in the most significant disruption to the worldwide sporting calendar since World War II.

To avoid ambiguity and bolster the EOC’s position with the International Olympic Committee (IOC), ANOC and International and European Federations, an early vote for EOC President by the full General Assembly has been suggested. This would first require a change to article 13.6 of the EOC Articles of Association. Should the proposed amendment be agreed to by the General Assembly this November, an early election for President could take place at the end of February 2021.

Since the death of EOC President Janez Kocijančič on 1 June, former Vice-President Niels Nygaard has been leading the organisation as Acting President.

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