Dubai Announces Olympic Bid Timeline

(ATR) The most populous city in the United Arab Emirates wants to bid for the Summer Olympics by 2022.




(ATR) Dubai wants to bid for the Olympics by 2022.

Ali Omar, director of the Dubai Sports Council, made the announcement in an interview with China’s Xinhua News Agency.

"Hosting the Olympics is a dream," he was quoted as saying.

"We hope to submit such a bid within the next eight years, God willing."

The emirate has talked about bidding for an Olympics in the past but no formal bid has ever been presented.

Should Dubai bid for the Games during the eight-year window, it could win the rights to stage either the 2024 or 2028 Olympics. Several countries and cities have expressed interest in hosting the 2024 Olympics including the United States, Germany, Italy, and France, while there are rumors of 2028 bids.

Qatar has also not hidden its Olympic aspirations. The Gulf state could prove problematic for a potential Dubai bid. Should Qatar bid for and win the 2024 Olympics, it would effectively end a Dubai 2028 bid.

Dubai’s small size and scorching summertime temperatures are two other negatives for a potential bid.

Written by Ed Hula III.

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